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Why Do They Question The Existence Of God?

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goodlife | 09:20 Tue 19th Mar 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
159 Answers
One leading cause of atheism is religion.
Or they may proclaim, ‘I only believe what I see, and I can’t see any invisible Creator.


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"You ask for information as to where I get my posts from, then say I am advertising. If this is advertising, so is youtube and the other sites you post." No it isn't, don't be silly. If you want to present a citation to your quotes, I would encourage it. If you want to divert traffic from this site to another with the message "find the answers here," then it'll be...
13:43 Thu 21st Mar 2013
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lol Birdie you really did make me laugh out loud there, thank you for that.

after you reading several exchanges between myself and other members of Ab you actually come to that conclusion do you? maybe it is because it is late or early or something
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atheists will argue that there is no God, so it is valueless to talk about God. But their reasoning is shortsighted. It is impossible to disprove the existence of God.

Either you continue to go in the name of your gods, or you choose to go in another direction, walking in the name of a true God is better than all the popular gods of the peoples of the nations. The choice of this latter course, the right course, is yet possible for lovers of life and happiness. In recent years hundreds of thousands all around the globe have been awakened to the meaning of world events and have made the happy choice. It is not yet too late for you to do likewise.
And in one fell swoop goodlife answers all of our questions! Oh, wait.

It probably is impossible to disprove the existence of God. But given the apparently 144,000 places available in Heaven according to Goodlife's Church, I doubt I'll be getting in anyway if I just believe in Him because I can't disprove He is there. I dare say God would see right through that shallow faith.

"atheists will argue that there is no God, so it is valueless to talk about God. But their reasoning is shortsighted. It is impossible to disprove the existence of God. "
This is not what atheists argue at all. More cut and paste. More evidence of failure to engage your brain.
It may indeed be impossible -right now- to disprove the existence of god- but that does not mean it will always be so.
And, to assume that this offers a kind of default position of gods existence - that if god cannot be disproved, that must mean god exists, is illogical and stupid.You can no more prove the existence of a god than gods presence can be disproved currently.

Lets also remember- believers have had 1000s of years of belief. It is only relatively recently in mans history that we have developed the tools that allow us to do more than the most cursory examination of the universe - and that examination is not good news for god.

"Walking in the name of a true God is better than all the popular gods of the peoples of the nations."
This is just a rhetorical statement - hot air, but absent any meaning.

"The choice of this latter course, the right course, is yet possible for lovers of life and happiness."
I would agree - choosing to reject the absurd irrationality that is religion in favour of a positive affirmation of the world and your place in it offers the prospect of much joie de vivre and happiness for those believers that reject all the guilt and superstitious baggage that religion brings into their lives.

"In recent years hundreds of thousands all around the globe have been awakened to the meaning of world events and have made the happy choice. It is not yet too late for you to do likewise."
Also true. The numbers of people who declare themselves as non-believers, or even more specifically self-identify as atheists, who publically recognise the nonsense and harms of organised religion are growing each year. Happy Days!. Good to see you recognising the truth as well, goodlife :)

Any news yet on which "UK local paper" publishes a regular column called "The Bible says", which is allegedly full of JW nonsense? No? Thought not. So more evidence that JWs "lie for jesus". Hardly a great recommendation for an instituatioon when their evangelical promoters continually lie and continually fail to address their critics, is it?
Steg, I agree with Birdie. Like many others here, Goodlife included, you do appear to be very reliuctant to explain your beliefs frankly, but rather you prefer to play some sort of obstructive guessing game. Curious. I wonder why?

You jump into a conversation about the existence of god and whether the creation of the universe is itself evidence of gods handiwork - you reject the current best model of the observed facts and evidence with a derisory lol, and offer the bare minimum of information as to what model you might favour instead.

It is not difficult to see why people might tend to assume that a belief in some sort of creator entity is what motivates your contribution, although i agree assumption is not a good idea generally...

And then when others again speculate as to wbat informs and motivates your own contributions to the thread, you feel that worthy of scorn too.

Derisory rejection and one word affirmations do not contribute much to the conversation. If you do not think the BB a suitable model for the universe, that's fine. if you favour another model, that's also fine, but if you wish your contributions to add anything to the discussion or be taken seriously, you really need to offer an explanation of ypur position and why it deserves to be treated seriously, rather than just being dismissed as it is at the moment.....
How can you reason or get sense from the brainwashed? You can't can you but everyone seems to have fun trying. Good reading I must say but both sides stay the breakthrough and it's always the same repetitive thing. I'd love to read (one day) that goodlife and his ilk say they have changed their minds...hmmm...guess that's when I will see several pigs fly by my bedroom window.
There is something obscure which is complete
before heaven and earth arose;
standing alone without change
moving around without peril.
It could be the mother of everything.
I don't know its name,
and call it Tao. Lao-tzu. (6th cent. BC)
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Yes, for everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) and yet Jesus boldly uses the Scriptural to expose their lack of faith.
Khandro/Goodlife, what do you think your most recent posts add to this discussion?
Well Khandros at least has the virtue of offering a nice bit of prose. although its not any kind of evidence of anything really.

Goodlifes on the other hand is the usual regurgitation of meaningless scripture.
And no response to the questions about the local newpaper either. Tacit admission of lying, it seems to me....
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No more links to the JW site please. We do not allow advertising here. You'll be suspended next time.
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You ask for information as to where I get my posts from, then say I am advertising. If this is advertising, so is youtube and the other sites you post.
But Goodlife, you are using this site to promote the JW. other people are not promoting any organisation.
Goodlife, to add to Ratter’s comment, when other people give attribution, for example Wiki, they provide a link to the relevant page so that the information they are offering can be personally checked and verified by the reader. They don’t provide a link to Wiki’s home page!

Any chance of telling us what that newspaper is called? A link to it would be helpful.

steg, thank you. So since you think the universe has existed forever I have to assume that you don't think an unknown supernatural entity commonly known as God created it.


for the hard of thinking
A response you gave only when challenged to explain yourself Steg.

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