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Why Do They Question The Existence Of God?

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goodlife | 10:20 Tue 19th Mar 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
159 Answers
One leading cause of atheism is religion.
Or they may proclaim, ‘I only believe what I see, and I can’t see any invisible Creator.


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"You ask for information as to where I get my posts from, then say I am advertising. If this is advertising, so is youtube and the other sites you post." No it isn't, don't be silly. If you want to present a citation to your quotes, I would encourage it. If you want to divert traffic from this site to another with the message "find the answers here," then it'll be...
14:43 Thu 21st Mar 2013
"It is not difficult to see why people might tend to assume that a belief in some sort of creator entity is what motivates your contribution, although i agree assumption is not a good idea generally..."

you typed that after my reply to naomi

Steg -

After several exchanges between yourself and other members of AB it would appear that you believe the universe has always existed and was created by god.

also typed after my reply to naomi

and you want me to believe in your theories, you cant even read a thread lol
"You ask for information as to where I get my posts from, then say I am advertising. If this is advertising, so is youtube and the other sites you post."

No it isn't, don't be silly.

If you want to present a citation to your quotes, I would encourage it.

If you want to divert traffic from this site to another with the message "find the answers here," then it'll be removed. Don't do it again.
The point still stands. I was referring to your initial post on this thread.
And they are not "my" theories.
Can we go back a bit? I'm still trying to work out why Mars goes backwards sometimes. God did put Earth at the centre didn't he, with the Sun and the moon and planets going round us? Isn't that what God, and so the Church, taught us in the book written by Him, through divinely inspired men?
Think there was a small flaw in gods orrery, Fred - caused Mars to go backwards. Probably made in China or something...
Steg, //naomi

for the hard of thinking //

You're mistaken. I'm not hard of thinking. You seem to be having some difficulty in explaining yourself - and I'm always happy to help.


steg, thank you. So since you think the universe has existed forever I have to assume that you don't think an unknown supernatural entity commonly known as God created it.


for the hard of thinking

that is what i typed naomi, (sorry if you thought it was directed at you) it was to show that i had been asked by yourself and answered wither i believed god created the universe, because after that reply others were surmising (wrongly) that i did believe god created the universe

hopefully i have explained that ok
LG; I'm pleased you liked the quotation of Lao-tzu, though it would be nice if you enjoyed it and left it at that, you add; "although its not any kind of evidence of anything really." Well of course it isn't supposed to be, and as Ronald Reagan once said 'there you go again' - always wanting evidence of what is true, but no such evidence really exists for anything, even your assertions.

Oh, yeah, LG. Faulty orrery. Couldn't get it, myself. Yes, Mars seems to go backwards, a phenomenon laboriously and wrongly "explained" before, because of what a later Pope explained by "faulty exegesis". Translated into layman's English, that means "we misunderstood what the Bible said" ! A misreading which was not formally admitted for hundreds of years after Gaiileo. How careless, considering how many thousands of learned Catholics had been making the same mistake.
goodlife You haven't answered my or any other question in
Your Own Words .

Remember what I said: In your position //I would use my OWN words to prove those atheists wrong. Look at those atheist posts . Answer them . Prove them wrong . Try it ! //

I was told by an ex-JW that you are not allowed to answer in your own
words in case you say something that is not in Watch Tower. Is that true ?
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birdie this is getting ridiculous.
this is the what you asked me

"Anyway, since you appear to reject the the theory of an expanding universe and a big-bang event in favour of a steady-state universe created by god, I have two questions. Why do you believe this to be the case and on what evidence are you basing that belief?"

i have given you the answer over and over I DO NOT believe "in a steady-state universe created by god,"

you never asked me to believe in your theories,
and to lazygun as well
i new at the time i shouldn't of made the statement with the lol in it but still pressed submit.

"The fact that Goodlife has ranked one of your answers as the 'best' on this thread just goes to show how diabolically poor your answers have been."

The Ab Editor seems to have "best" answer...... is it ok to lol now ;)

(I did see i had the best answer though... and i would imagine it was changed AFTER you made the above statement)
goodlife You don't deny that you JWs are not allowed to answer questions in your own words. So I assume the information I received from an ex-JW was correct.
That being the case, does the Watch Tower say why my belief in the
Invisible Pink Unicorn being the creator of the universe is incorrect.

Don't say it's incorrect because your god is the only creator and I musn't believe in another god. That's pure arrogance .
Tell me why I shouldn't believe in my IPU . He has all the attributes of yours plus so far he has answered all my prayers. e.g. I prayed for a win on the lottery to cover a visit to the dentist this week and sure enough it arrived yesterday.
modeller. Impartial advice; Please ensure your brain is engaged before operating keyboard. What the f. are you talking about?
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Khandro, I think what modeller is saying is quite clear, do you need it explaining in easier terms that you can understand?
Anyone who states that they believe in pink unicorns is either drowning in their own hyperbole, or has been at the hash-pipe.

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