Is Anyone Here "between" Religions? in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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Is Anyone Here "between" Religions?

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Zombozo | 09:20 Sun 23rd Jun 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
137 Answers
I was asked the other day what religion i am and i had to pause because i was "between" religions so was temporarily religionless.

So far i've tried christianity, judaisam, buddism and islam but i was left baffled, confused, empty and dismayed by the hypocritical nature of these paths.

I still haven't found what i'm looking for in a religion which is the truth. I've had a look at scientology but this appears to be a far out cult.

At the moment i am between religions, yes i believe that we were created by god, gods or even aliens and i want and demand the truth.

What can i do and where do i search for the truth? Can anyone here hand on heart recommend a religion to me as the emptiness and the fact that i could be missing out on enlightenment is killing me.

Thank you humbly in advance.
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why not try atheism, it's the new religion, or so i am led to believe. And you won't have to ponder the question.
How can you demand the truth when no one knows the truth?
you have tried most, hasn't that told you something.
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Em10 have you read the question? I said i believe so why would i choose a religion in which it's fundamental idealogy is non belief? Please "Troll" elsewhere.
Oooooo dear.
I'm sure that ''Goodlife'' will be along soon to 'show you the way'.
Clearly someone who doesn't know what a troll is!!
A rather rude reply! To a rather strange question!!
Here you go :0)


We used to have a group of girls rent the house next door that were of the B'Hai faith.... not my cup of tea... still hate gays etc but allegedly all encompassing!

Lisa x
Question Author
Ummm the reality is no can really "Know" the truth but one can certainly believe in the truth.

Em10, i apologise for my earlier outburst (meds and alcohol do not mix!)
why are people who seek the truth so rude?
I very much doubt that you'll find the "truth" in any religion.
How can you believe in the truth if you don't know it.
i am certainly not a troll, apology accepted, i am an atheist and see nothing in any religion, but hatred and madness, from Christianity to Islam, there are those religious people who profess love and kindness but i confess that i think it always comes at a cost.
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Divegirl let me state that i'm looking for something that promotes peace, love and harmony for everything regardless of colour, sex, age, religion or species
You know you don't have to be part of any religion. You are free to believe whatever you chose. You could chose something from each religion that suits you.
A few questions you ought to ask yourself:

- Why do you believe when you don't know what it is you believe in?
- Is the hypocrisy in the religion itself, or in those who practise it?
- Is demanding the truth just a bit too much to ask?

It's not trolling to suggest atheism, because some of us feel that this is "the truth" -- for very good reasons. Since, too, you have found no religion suitable for you, it's hardly unreasonable to suggest the only other option.

Finally I should say that none of us here can really "suggest a religion for you" -- that's ultimately your choice to make. Can you tell us what you are looking for in a religion? Beyond the truth, I mean. Because if it's that, then many of us here think that the truth is atheism -- so what else can we suggest? Hand on heart, that's what I feel is the truth.
you just logged on, strange you thought i was the troll. having said that i have accepted you are taking meds, however so do i, and i would not mix the two
What are your other thoughts, apart from just believing in a god? Someone might be able to direct you to a religion (won't be me, I'm sure)
Have you tried Hinduism?

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