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Is Anyone Here "between" Religions?

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Zombozo | 10:20 Sun 23rd Jun 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
137 Answers
I was asked the other day what religion i am and i had to pause because i was "between" religions so was temporarily religionless.

So far i've tried christianity, judaisam, buddism and islam but i was left baffled, confused, empty and dismayed by the hypocritical nature of these paths.

I still haven't found what i'm looking for in a religion which is the truth. I've had a look at scientology but this appears to be a far out cult.

At the moment i am between religions, yes i believe that we were created by god, gods or even aliens and i want and demand the truth.

What can i do and where do i search for the truth? Can anyone here hand on heart recommend a religion to me as the emptiness and the fact that i could be missing out on enlightenment is killing me.

Thank you humbly in advance.


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Oh well... I tried!
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Thank you for accepting my humble apology em10.

This is exactly what i'm saying em10, the other religions seem to have division aspects which are hypocritical to say the least.

If god created us all then why would he favour a certain group but then wish evil and pain on the others? Do normal people do this with their kids? No and if they did they would be classed as evil and jailed, so why then would we worship a being that told us this is okay or is this the real secret, the truth if you will that god is actually the devil and we have to find this out to finally free ourselves?
Zombozo //let me state that i'm looking for something that promotes peace, love and harmony for everything regardless of colour, sex, age, religion or species//

Thats Atheism then!!

I have a feeling this guy will be coming back promoting his own flavour of religion very soon.

JW maybe?
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Tiggerblue, no offence to any hinduists but i find the belief in multi gods unbelieveable.

What happens when the gods clash and argue? Surely one of them especially the evil ones would just destroy the universe in anger to spite the others? Has this happened? No, then i have no belief in it.
You say you believe but mention religions that have different gods.
So you believe in what exactly?
Do what all the other religions did in the beginning.....start your own to suit your needs and demands. I did.
all religions are hypocritical, they ask people to accept beings which have no proven record. you have tried many, have you not discovered one thing that sets them apart, one thing that you could latch on to, i suspect not because for the majority of people the truth is within yourself, the truth that one day you will die, that you may well suffer in life, some don't, but many do, and many do so because of the imposition of their respective religions, note what is happening currently around the world, many religious differences, it may be tribal, but belief is belief, Muslim again Jew, Catholic against Protestant, tell me how these religions have benefited anyone, if you are comfortable in yourself as a human being that should be enough for anyone.
Ok, what about just being an Agnostic Theist?
I generally worship at the altar of Budweiser, however as I will be holidaying shortly I shall feel obliged to pray with Roquefort in one hand and a large glass of vin rouge in the other.
I wouldn’t recommend any religion, but if you believe we were created by ‘something’, you’re just going to have to leave it at that because the information you’re seeking simply isn’t available. No one knows any more than anyone else about the unknown. The religious - of all persuasions - just think they do.
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Ummm maybe that's the truth?

Jim, i feel empty inside, i have a longing inside for the truth which is deep. It's hard to explain but sometimes you know somethings out there and want to bond or reunite with it. This feeling is also recognised by many and is similar to the feelings my friends who were orphaned regarding the search for their biological parents.

Mattk i believe that we were created, whether by a god, or a purposefully "accident", maybe even in a lab but i do not believe we are alone in this universe or even outside of it if that makes any sense.

Gness but living "How we want to" isn't the answer, some would choose drink, drugs, child porn and violence. There was an episode of the Simpsons where everyone did whatever the hell they wanted to do and there was absolute mayhem.

Tiggerblue i've had a quick look into it but concluded that we are biological computers so maybe we do need slight programming which would explain religion???
I think religions are made for people just like you Zombozo, people with a desire to believe in something, why not just make up your own, that's how all the other religions came about, if you do it right you could have maidens throwing themselves at your feet and be very wealthy as well.
I think you're probably the only person who knows what you beleive Z. Having rejected all others, have you considered creating a religion? It's time for a new one and you might just hit on something.
Hi 5 Ratter.
Did I mention "living as we want to"? My religion included Mars Bars and I hate Mars Bars.....I made a big sacrifice to establish my religion.
You are looking for someone to follow and emulate. I suggest you look elsewhere.....choosing a leader from one of us is a sure path to the funny farm.....x
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ratter it's funny that you say that as i had a very interesting conversation the other day regarding religion, being in the womb and the human psychology of wanting to be part of something.

Maydup no as it would just be a disorganized hedonistic cult which without religion is just normal everday life.
Hell's teeth, Ratter!!!! I did it wrong. I got flippin' Mars Bars and you are telling me I could have had wealth and themselves at my feet...Oh sod it! :-(
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Gness but this is it, i want to be led by none of us! There is something out there and i will spend the whole of my life searching for it and when i do and am content then i'll know i've found it?
Why do you believe we are created? By a god, or otherwise.
//as it would just be a disorganized hedonistic cult which without religion is just normal everday life. //

That's not how I live my everyday life. Absence of religion doesn't equate to absence of choice.

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