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Religion Causes No Harm

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chrisgel | 21:53 Fri 16th Aug 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
199 Answers
In discussions on R&S both here and elsewhere one often hears questions like
Why are you bothered?
Why don't you just let people believe what they want?
What harm does religion do?

This is one example of the harm religion can do.

and it's one of the reasons atheists never shut up about religion.


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Yours wasn't an answer either it was a non sequitur and typical of you.
Khandro, you do come up with some wonky arguments. Unlike religious rule books, The Highway Code isn't open to interpretation.
It's an analogy, perhaps you can see that. After accusations of 'non sequiturs' and 'wonky arguments' still no answer; - after you have destroyed religion what are you proposing to replace it with?
It's an analogy that, for obvious reasons, doesn't work. Why would religion need to be replaced by anything? Some of us manage very easily without it so it's clearly not essential.
If you 'manage very easily without it,' why do you and fellow atheists spend so much time and effort posting and arguing on Religion & Spirituality?
It appears to me that in essence, the only convergence you have with fellow atheists is that you all eschew religion, beyond that you must have widely divergent views on how to conduct yourselves, therefore without any parity or "rule book" I see only the form of anarchy as advocated by Kropotkin; if each person follows their own standards they will somehow all meld into a coherent society, this has yet to be seen in successful operation.
I believe in Jesus Christ. Not the rubbish made up by the church to control people.
Have fresh supply of dried peas. Will emerge from behind sofa when have stopped humming along to Verdi.
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^^^^ :o)))
"Moonlight and melody, blending so pleasantly...". La la la. Hum hum hum.
Nothing needs to replace religion. Has religion proved to meld us into a coherent society?
Btw, anarchy is without law- not without religion. That would be a different debate.
Even the most devout follower of a religion would accept that harm can be done be people misusing it as a cover for their sinning. But, in general, religion does much more good than harm.
In what way, sandy?
Well, in the religion I follow, the paedophile priests for a start...
Paedophile priests do more good than harm?
No. That's an example of sinners using religion as a means of furthering their evil ways.
Sorry, i was asking for examples of 'religion does much more good than harm'

I know you didn't mean it that way!
Religion offers a set of guidelines which, for those sensible enough to follow them, leads to a guilt-free life. To be able to wake of a morning with a clear conscience is surely the greatest gift it brings to the believer.
Do you think an equivalent number of nurses or female doctors of any religious persuasion or (or none) offering advice on contraception would have done more good than Mother Teresa and her nuns, Sandy?
I wake up with a clear conscience (usually), that isn't exclusive to religion

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