So, how do you know He hasn't ever caused a limb to regrow? In all of history?
Not only that, but, along with all the other naysayers, how is it you expect a God in whom you have no belief to act the way you want him to? Unique concept, no?
I find it incredible that Yahweh of the Old and New Covenant has created a world that he knew the inhabitants of which would disagree with Him. Yet He says if you will look for me with all your heart, you will find Me… if you'll but knock on the unlocked door it will open and I will come in and have supper with you.
I can talk, on a personal level, with the Creator of everything and He will talk with me. More than thirty years ago I said… "Ok… let's have a go at this…" and I have never looked back. He's never left me or forsaken me… even though He knows I certainly deserved both...