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87 Die In Crane Accident At The Grand Mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

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Gromit | 22:35 Fri 11th Sep 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
72 Answers
What was Allah thinking to allow such an occurance?


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Do you really think that is necessary Gromit. You're surely better than that
Terrible tragedy, so many lives lost and injuries too.
87 souls have died..whatever their religion it is sad...
a/c to King Saud when 1 000 were crushed to death twenty or so years ago

'we know that the men would have died at that moment if they werent in Mecca '

strong predestination - but it rather excludes free will
True, but as ye sow, so shall ye reap.
What ?? So anyone who attends a Mosque to worship deserves rushing by a crane??

Thank goodness I don't think like some people.
^ Crushing
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Seems like a fair question.
How could any deity allow such suffering to their most devout of followers, in the most holy of holy places? Surely if a deity really did exist, these pilgrims would be exempt from any unpleasantness. Or perhaps it is a sign that Allah is not entirely happy with the atrocities done in his name, by the evil House of Saud?
Well according to their religion, their destiny was to die anyway today.
It is not Allah's job to save folk from human failings. What sort of outcome would there be if folk knew they could do any daft thing without consequence ?
It'll be a test, just you wait and see.
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Although an atheist myself, I do find it distasteful that this tragedy is being used here to mock those who are misguided.
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Birdie do you really think scoring points on religious belief is valid when people have died in an awful accident. I don't remember any of you bringing up a similar question for things like the Malaysian airline crash
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You'll be pointing out your compassion any moment I expect Birdie
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Just after an act of God (or Allah) has killed many people seems like the ideal time to question the belief in something that allows or even makes such tragedies happen.
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87 Die In Crane Accident At The Grand Mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

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