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87 Die In Crane Accident At The Grand Mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

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Gromit | 22:35 Fri 11th Sep 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
72 Answers
What was Allah thinking to allow such an occurance?


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Not a justifiable reason from either of you. Death by accident is no more valid to a religion whether it is at the recent Mecca accident or Lincoln Cathedral 1000 years ago. Arguing about God/No God, Christianity, Islam Judaism is valid. But not now.
Birdie I replied to Gromit's post some time ago. I am still waiting though for your rely on the compassion you mentioned at 00.27
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Birdie, more then a hundred people have died in a tragic accident. Is there a need to argue theology in this post. You ask for clarity, you said "Only compassion and the questioning of divine will" at 00:27. Where did you state compassion. It's the same response to your statement, how tough is that to understand.
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Still can't address the question Birdie. Where is your compassion you mentioned.
More or less to the day of the Anniversary 9/11!
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Birdie said that there were no posts that were mocking and that he could only see compassionate posts or those questioning divine will. He did not claim to have posted a compassionate post himself, but pointed you to look at the posts of Murraymints and Mamyalynne who had done.
So he and you have no stated compassion about the accident but would prefer to argue about the lack of intervention of a God.
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Yep. Just because I have shown no compassion for these unfortunate victims does not mean I don't have any. It was just a bigger question, and bigger answers I was hoping for.
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Still don't care then Birdie?
I have come to hate the Islam religion in the last few years, but find this accident tragic. People are People and accidental deaths are always sad.

As this was posted in Religion & Spirituality, I can't see any reason why the occasion of Allah turning his back on his followers should not be questioned.
//As this was posted in Religion & Spirituality, I can't see any reason why the occasion of Allah turning his back on his followers should not be questioned.//

Yes, but gromit's timing perhaps sucked as compassion should be allowed to surface first, particularly when the count of the dead in this is still rising - now 107. Questions should be asked though in due course, be they of the cause or the 'spiritual.'
I detest all this politically correct nonsense. Wringing hands and expressing the ‘right noises’ in a public display of compassion isn’t compulsory. This is a tragic accident but there’s no reason tragic accidents shouldn’t be discussed in this context. It’s a valid question.
It's a valid question, but IMO one would be naive not to conclude it was a dig at believers. Folk should ignore that sort of thing as it renders it powerless but it seems folk are reacting to the apparent lack of sympathy and making comment.

Anyway I gave a definitive answer earlier. It's because it makes no sense to intervene, as the consequences don't bear thinking about. Also death is less of a tragedy to a deity who would understand it is simply a transition to come to them, not a final end. It is human perception that it is an end and never meet again situation that gives us a different view.

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