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Right Go On Then

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nailit | 20:13 Tue 31st Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
378 Answers
to the religious....
So whats it all about?
Retribution, judgment, what?
End times (again) maybe?
A plague from God?
A precursor of the Anti-Christ?

Serious question, what the **** is this all about then?
Or is it simply an unprecedented virus that science will cure?



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Read your own posts, theland, and it will become clear. .
13:27 Mon 06th Apr 2020
Religious folk pay towards NHS as you do.

I got agonising food poisoning yday, prayed thru pain & sweats, collapsed & slowly recovered. No time to call doc but able to tell you ;)
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//Religious folk pay towards NHS as you do//
Anyone else baffled as well?
/// Can God be influenced by people who try to impress him? Wouldn't he know exactly what they're up to?///

As a child that's what always bothered me Naomi, if my Mum could tell when I was lying, what chance had I with God ;-)
NHS is a service we pay for.
Hi Tambo.
My thoughts and prayers to you and Frazer.
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//NHS is a service we pay for//
Are you on the right thread Tambo?
What you on about?
"...,God fearing, people get sick, why do they go to hospital instead of church? ...."

My above answer. NHS is not a god given right!
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//My above answer. NHS is not a god given right!//
Who said it was?
How is this even relevant?
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naomi asked you a couple of questions @18:12 in case you missed it. You've replied to Tambo @18:30 so presumed that you just didnt see it.
Thankyou Theland, Frazer's medics are cut 50% & is on permanent IVs instead of 12hourly as previously. He pulls a cradle with drips & in lockdown but can mop his cubical to avoid the virus. He is in good mental state.
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Tambo, I honestly dont get why you posted on this thread about the NHS, Seriously!
But my thoughts are with you and your son. Difficult at the best of times but with the present situation even more so.
You take care of yourself too Tambo x
thanx Nails. I answered the quoted question. Sry if it caused confusion as I didn't read the whole thread.
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//Sry if it caused confusion as I didn't read the whole thread//
You aint missed anything Tambo, believe me ;-)
You mentioned hospitals and the religious together very early on, it's quite easy to see what Tambo thought.

Really you just wanted to know what this virus was all about isn't it, but not in a scientific way.
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Meanwhile 100's of thousands die but God loves us??
Just believe the right theology.
Nothing I could ever say would prevent you from considering us idiots, and saying so. Why?
Why do you put so much effort into attacking Christianity?
If you don't believe in it, why not leave it st that?
Instead you work yourself up into a lather over the God you don't believe in.
Are we a threat to you or something?
I'm not getting into a question and answer with you any more.
I'll give my opinion and listen to yours.
Consider bible prophecy, (or not,), and consider the history of the Jews.
Also, watch out for what is coming out of the Vatican on May 22nd.
The writing is on the wall.
//Also, watch out for what is coming out of the Vatican on May 22nd.//

Are the altar boys tunnelling out? ;-)
Mark of the beast?
Watch out for Bill Gates's ID2020.

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