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Right Go On Then

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nailit | 20:13 Tue 31st Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
378 Answers
to the religious....
So whats it all about?
Retribution, judgment, what?
End times (again) maybe?
A plague from God?
A precursor of the Anti-Christ?

Serious question, what the **** is this all about then?
Or is it simply an unprecedented virus that science will cure?



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Read your own posts, theland, and it will become clear. .
13:27 Mon 06th Apr 2020
My facts are referenced quotations.
I say nothing of myself.
They’re not facts ... regardless of source. Misery loves company.
Example - The world bank? Not facts?
Umpteen news reports from economists about the world food shortages to come? Not facts?
Do you really think this is just a glitch and normality will return unscathed?
Fair enough.
I respect your opinions.
Theland. Irrespective of these Facts, which I seriously doubt they are, try hypotheses, you seem to obtain a great deal of satisfaction in posting them. I suspect a lot of people who post on here are worried and possibly scared about what's happening, you're certainly not helping.
It's never been my intention to spread alarm only to warn.
But yes I shall stat quiet unless responding to other posters.
Thank you, Vulcan.
Theland, for the first time, your posts on here have sickened me enough to despise christianity, if those are the "morals" you have found. I haven't replied since, but whoever said you were giving it a bad name, wasn't far off.
What have independent facts got to do with morals?
I promised not to publish any more facts because the independent truth coming out of the news is too upsetting.
That's my final word on this thread, unless I am unfairly attacked again.
It stands to reason that the economy will be affected by this, Theland. Major events always affect the economy. No one needs an expert to tell them that. As for the rest … the sky was going to fall in after Brexit. It didn’t happen - and neither will this bring an end to the world.

If introducing a little rational thinking to your doom-mongering equates to an attack, so be it. And no, you don’t respect my opinions - or anyone else’s. You make what you think are the right noises simply for the sake of appearance.
You haven't published any "facts' yet, theland. Just the effect christianity has had in your "morals". I am just glad that most people aren't so easily influenced.
Not unexpected. Factually wrong though. But why let the truth get in the way of a feelgood post?
Theland, you are confidently predicting the end of the world and declaring that prediction 'truth'. It isn't. Get a grip!
Pixie, what effect? Making no sense.
Read your own posts, theland, and it will become clear.
I have done. Nothing offensive there.
If you say so, and if you can't see it... that's even worse.
Theland - way back last Tuesday evening, I enquired if you were going to go around this roundabout again, and you confirmed you would not.

I didn't believe it because you are incapable of walking away from the chance to push your fundamentalist Christian views yet again.

As a result, this thread heads confortable for the 300 posts mark, and you have managed to alienate and infuriate Pixie, one of the most even tempered and reasonable posters on the site with your endless slithering away from direct questions, doom mongering, and superiority.

When called out, you don your best Uriah Heep suit and claim innocence and beg indulgence, before simply setting off on the same route once again.

Debating with you is as effective as plaiting fog - you have no interest in answering questions that would make you seriously examine the truths and virtues of your faith, you simply spout more nonsense and avoidance.

You really are among the worst of the Christian faith-pushers I have ever come across - your attitudes and opinions are in direct contradiction of the loving God whose words you claim to live by.

You would be better if absolutely no-one indulged your nasty superior fantasising, or replied to your doom-mongering, and simply left you to sit and ponder your future 'glory' until its supposed arrival.

You certainly do no good whatsoever on here.
Naomi - nothing of the sort. Pointing out parallels between events and scripture. I don't predict anything.
If it rattles you, your problem.
I guess I've just had the sack.
If you listen to Tchaikovsky,Hymn to the cherubim, you will find religion is'nt all bad.

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