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Right Go On Then

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nailit | 19:13 Tue 31st Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
378 Answers
to the religious....
So whats it all about?
Retribution, judgment, what?
End times (again) maybe?
A plague from God?
A precursor of the Anti-Christ?

Serious question, what the **** is this all about then?
Or is it simply an unprecedented virus that science will cure?



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Read your own posts, theland, and it will become clear. .
12:27 Mon 06th Apr 2020
I have read again through every one of my posts on this thread and there is nothing offensive, but a tsunami of unfounded criticism and insulting tones.
Theland, I said this on Friday:

//You introduced the subject of abortion. Somehow though, whilst you think that's wrong, you won't condemn the slaughter of children already born. It seems your moral compass is guided solely by the identity of the murderer. //

Something else for you to think about.
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//and there is nothing offensive, but a tsunami of unfounded criticism and insulting tones//
Well stop it then...
Before you continue to go off half cocked on parts,of,the bible that you don't believe in, why not go right back to the beginning and determine for yourself the existence,of,God?
Examine the evidence for the ultimate Authority .
If you find an alternative, what is it?
Theland, You've conveniently skipped my bit - again.
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I'd love to see a thread about the morals of the bible. Would reach 1000*+ replies easily.
Can anyone smell burning martyr... again?
No, the Cananites had 400 years to change from their evil ways, of child sacrifice to Baal and other gods.
God used the Israelites to punish them.
Like all tribes tnstaafl were offered peaceful submission, exile or war.
War involved total anhialation.
Some of the tribes resisted and paid the price.
There you go Andy, another cheap shot.
I know the history, Theland. I'm asking you why your moral compass tells you it's immoral to kill one child but perfectly acceptable to kill another?
You obviously don't know the history.
The language used was an exaggerated motivation to destroy a rebellious tribe that had child sacrifice as a central tenet of it religious practice to false gods.
God, the Creator, and ultimate arbiter of morality, cannot go against His own nature and issue instructions that were immoral.
He sees the bigger picture whereas we with our limited wisdom try to put Him on trial.
Who is this 'We' you are on about???
"We," mankind in rebellion.
I'm not 'rebelling', I have far better ways to spend my time.
Andy - Talking for the sake of it. And nothing to say.
theland, the Cananites had 400 years to change from their evil ways, of child sacrifice to Baal and other gods.
God used the Israelites to punish them, mmm what about free will.
god punished the cananites, god must have forgotten about hte jews
in ww2 then, let alone the cambodians under pol pot, or mau..selective
Fender - I have no idea what you are talking about. And neither do you.
You, like,others, simply see an opportunity to to take an I'll,informed cheap shot at me, and I am then expected to do cartwheels to come up with an answer, by which time you will have moved on looking for something else to alleviate your boredom and do a bit,of showing off.
Look how many questions and comments I have had fired at me, each one requiring time consuming answers.
Theland.\\ Look how many questions and comments I have had fired at me, each one requiring time consuming answers. //
I have asked you before but you didn't answer, why do you have to research the book that you live your life by?
Vulcan - I accept the bible as the word of God, and it's essential message is simple to understand.
Sadly, atheists pounce on every aspect they see as a weakness that they don't understand, in an attempt to trip me up. But you know that.
You have no interest in God do you?
But you enjoy criticising.
300 posts, as I predicted.

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