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Right Go On Then

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nailit | 20:13 Tue 31st Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
378 Answers
to the religious....
So whats it all about?
Retribution, judgment, what?
End times (again) maybe?
A plague from God?
A precursor of the Anti-Christ?

Serious question, what the **** is this all about then?
Or is it simply an unprecedented virus that science will cure?



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Read your own posts, theland, and it will become clear. .
13:27 Mon 06th Apr 2020
Theland, what on earth are you talking about? Are you prophesying? If so, you really need to tell us what you’re predicting so we can verify it.

Ps. You’ve not answered my questions.
//Also, watch out for what is coming out of the Vatican on May 22nd.//

White smoke ?
Axel Von Trostenberg, Operations Manager World Bank.
"The world is headed to a recession/depression unprecedented."

I can see food shortages especially in the third world, mass deaths in the third world, riots and terrorism, wars, a rise of nationalism throughout the world, a lack of world leadership leading to a yearning for an internationally recognised strong leader to take control.
An emerging one world economy, a rise of regional military power, and more conflict than ever before.
Oooh, you’re a right little ray of sunshine, aintcha.
Government say peak infection expected in a week to ten days.
Today is Palm Sunday, next Friday is Passover, then Easter.
Watch and wait.
Just saying.
Somebody asked what I meant by the Rapture of the Church. This is the removal of Christians from the Earth to Heaven prior to the onset of the tribulation period. The Church is the collective body of Christians nothing to do with any denomination. The word Rapture doesn't occur in the Bible but it can be inferred from 1 Thessalonians 4:17
Theland, Well don’t ‘just’ say. Have the courtesy to tell us what you’re talking about.
ps again. You've still not answered my questions.
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//Somebody asked what I meant by the Rapture of the Church. This is the removal of Christians from the Earth to Heaven prior to the onset of the tribulation period//

What's a Christian?
How do you define the term?

Are Mormons Christians?
What about 1st century believers...
What about Unitarians?
Or Trinitarians?
Calvenists or Armenianists?
Preterists or futurists
The list could go on forever...
What *IS* a Christian?

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//ps again. You've still not answered my questions//
You should know the score by now naomi....
Difficult question = no reply, and hoping that no one will notice ;-)
Eagerly awaiting May 22, Nailit .... if not before. :o)
fiveleaves - how will the Christians be removed?
"You've still not answered my question."

"He won't answer etc etc etc etc etc."

Why? So you can sling more mud?
Are you searching for God? No!
You are in the business of ridiculing God, and the bible, and me, and all believers, because you find it entertaining and makes you feel good.
Ask yourselves, especially you, Nailit, why do you do it?
Serious question, what do you hope to get out of your thread? Knowledge of God of kudos from other atheists?
Similarly Theland, we might ask what you what you hope to get out of spreading all your doom and gloom. If you’re always so narked by the responses you receive - and you are - why do you bother?

You say you want discussion but you don’t because you rarely say anything relevant to any discussion here and you consistently dodge any questions you’re asked - so what do you want?
Question Author
//Are you searching for God? No!//
How do you know what my motives are?

//You are in the business of ridiculing God, and the bible, and me, and all believers, because you find it entertaining and makes you feel good//
Again, you make presumptions because you feel threatened.
Try changing the word 'ridiculed' for questioned and see the difference!

//Ask yourselves, especially you, Nailit, why do you do it?//
Because Im inquisitive. Since my teenage years ive been inquisitive.
Not just about religion either. Why do questions bother you so much?

//Serious question, what do you hope to get out of your thread?//
Dialogue/ understanding etc and maybe (just maybe) a few answers.

//Knowledge of God of kudos from other atheists?//
If God exists then I cant see why he cant give me knowledge himself, been all powerfull an all..
I dont need 'kudos' from other atheists or anyone else for that that matter. Im comfortable in my own skin now thanks.
Then we are all happy.
We can all pass our opinions without submitting ourselves to the third degree.
I will consider your opinions, and if you feel so inclined, you can consider mine.
Theland, //We can all pass our opinions without submitting ourselves to the third degree. //

Fine. In my opinion you need to stop with the prophecies of doom. This country needs positivity right now - not constant misery.
Don't read them then.
Facts are often difficult to swallow.
No facts to be had. Just more and more superstitious scaremongering.

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