Question Author
Joko - If you want to know the truth about the evil of the Roman Catholic church, visit a web site run by an ex priest, Richard Bennet, it is called Berean Beacon. There are videos of Richards sermons, and believe me, they are real eye openers.
No, those nuns did not have God, they had religion, there is a difference, I assure you. They perpetrated their crimes in the name of Holy Mother Church, the RC church run by the Vatican that is.
I have seen photographs of nuns in warsaw, helping to load Jewish kids into cattle wagons, next stop Auswitch. Hitler was assisted into power by a concordat signed with the Vatican. The massacres in Serbia in the 1940's were carried out by the "Ustazi" killer squads led by a psychopath named Pavelic, inder the authority of the local (Arch)bishop, Stepinac, whose embalmed body is now a religious icon, John Paul 2 prayed beofre it. Sick.
My mother was a Protestant, my father Roman Catholic, my son in law is RC as is my brother in law. I have no problem with peoples label, but big problems with Roman Catholicism itself.