The bible also tells of the 'sons of God' mating with the daughters of men, and producing giants, and I have to wonder who these 'sons of God' were.
I can't just dismiss this as ancient imagination - and of course the Piri Reis maps could never be considered ancient imagination. They're only too real. There's so much to learn, and in fact it disappoints me a little that atheists don't seriously investigate the subject more. You describe it as 'superstition', but I would beg to differ. Superstitious is one thing I'm not.
I attach this for you, just for the pictures
And this is from c10,000bc. Some imagination!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Ancientastr onauts.jpg
No, Chakka, Occam's Razor won't do for me where this subject is concerned. I wouldn't simply view its application as intellectual laziness - I'd see it as a complete intellectual cop out. Just not good enough.
Incidentally, you said,
'There are far more interesting and difficult problems to apply your brain to than this superstition.' Intriguing that. What would you suggest would suit me more? (And if you dare say 'the washing up', duck!!).