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Was Jesus a spaceman?

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Seafarer1966 | 18:29 Mon 25th Feb 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
173 Answers
Was Jesus an extra-terrestrial?


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Keyplus I don't imagine you're a deceitful man - your track record here on AB proves it.

Alhough it's often necessary for me to be at my computer for long hours, I clearly don't have as much time to spare as you appear to.

Yes, I am giving 100% my own opinion. However, when I do post something from the internet I do it to further illustrate a point I'm making, and I admit the source. I don't pass it off as my own.

As I said, if you haven't read the books, you aren't qualified to judge, and your opinion is worthless. Therefore, there is nothing for me to digest.
Naomi - Yes my opinion is worthless if I haven�t read the books you have read. Or my opinion is worthless if I do not say what you say.

Do I have to get seal of your approval, Or do I have to have all people agreeing with me to post my opinion here. As far as I have seen here in last few weeks its just because my opinions are different and more than that are Religious. And majority of people here are Atheist. So why would they agree with me. Moreover why would they have someone saying loud what they do not like.

You know what you can do, Just ignore my views and do not respond to them. Can you do that. Let us wait and see. But I doubt it. Reason, because I know you just can not. I have seen here a lot of other people say same to you.
I am not sure if the writers of Bible were sentenced to Jail. I am not Historian. You give me names of the people who wrote Bible (All of them) and I will check it out for you.
OK, naomi, you win on this one. Once you start quoting the bible at me, you and I part intellectual company.
(Do you really believe the tales in it?)

Anyway, the quiz has arrived. Looks as if it's going to be a happy one, giving me a huge insight into plants I've never heard of before. Gin and tonic awaits.
Ignore you, Keyplus? Oh no, you're not getting of the hook that easily. And I haven't seen a lot of people say the same to me. You wouldn't be making that up by any chance, would you? Your reputation goes before you Keyplus.

How can you possibly formulate a opinion if you know nothing of a subject? Surely that's simple logic? And if you want to know why people don't agree with you, read Jack's posts to you earlier on this thread. They say it all, so I don't need to explain further.
Chakka Oh, I'm disappointed in you. I was rather hoping to dangle the carrot and tempt your curiosity. I blame it all on the quiz. Addles the brain - and I'm just about to download it and do a bit of addling! (Although plants? Mmm ... not my strongest subect! Can't see 100% looming this time - and that's before I've looked at it!).

Break open the gin then - I'll join you! Cheers!
-- answer removed --
Chakka Sorry, I didn't answer your question. I do believe the bible records history, to a degree, so yes, I do think there's some truth in its stories. Having said that, and just to clarify before someone jumps down my throat, I most definitely don't believe that 'God' (or the captain of the ship, if you like) was in any way eternal or supernatural. Just a regular guy - sort of!

Have you opened the gin and sliced the lime yet? I'm looking forward to this.
Ok, naomi24, so now explain why you think you were a Christian - give us your explanation of what a Christian is.
'.....just to clarify before someone jumps down my throat......'

Oops. That didn't take long, did it?
Oh dear, you are paranoid now, naomi24. Jumping down your throat? PMSL. Are you afraid somebody will prove you are deceitful yourself?
Catron You're making a fool of yourself.
Really, naomi24? Just because I ask you a question you refuse to answer? You grill others views to the nth degree yet are afraid of being proven in a lie.
Perhaps you would enjoy your time here better if you tuned into Chatterbank.............there are many others there who are 'hard-of-thinking', not unlike yourself..................:o)
Oh dear, jackthehat to naomi24's rescue! Whats the matter jack? A simple question too much for naomi24 to answer? What a little bully. Grow up.
Oh good grief. What is your problem? You really are showing yourself up.

(Incidentally, I thought you objected to people using bad language on here? I may not know what all these initials mean that people on Chatterbank use, but I know what PMSL means).
Naomi has taken great pains to explain her stance on this topic; you have willfully chosen to ignore or misinterpret what she has said.
We have had Keyplus muddying the waters and legends ever insightful contributions......... naomi has tried to retain a sense of proportion and conduct a rational conversational thread despite all of the diversions and hi-jackings....
Your terse demands for justifcation and further explanation do you no service, either, if this is what you really want. They seem devised just to bait............
You have no idea of my size nor my please keep your purile 'sign offs' for a thread and forum more deserving..........
I have wilfully done nothing of the sort jackthehat, I have just asked naomi24 to explain why she thinks she was a Christian. This is the basis of a discussion I had with her on 'not understanding' of Christianity. She said that she does 'get it' as she was once a Christian. She and you, and many others, are continually drilling others - what is the problem for naomi24 to answer one simple little question to which I have never seen the answer despite you saying she has. You can keep getting on naomi24's side but she can surely answer for herself, can she not?
PMSL means one thing to you, naomi24 but not the same to me - you cannot tar me with that brush!
Can you or can you not answer the question naomi24? More to the point, will you or will you not? Your silence on this subject is overwhelming.

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