Christians - if Jesus ever returns, as he promised, will you recognise him, or will you consider him to be a deluded lunatic (with all due respect to our very own Luna-tic)? What would he need to say to convince you that he was genuine?
keyplus I think that naomi was asking the Christians on the site what they would accept evidence of his return (I feel this was given away by the very first word in her question) as given/laid down in Christian writings and teachings..........
Jesus did not come for the Christians, Jews or Muslims. He came only for the people of Israel at that time and then he mentioned about the people who believed and practised the teachings of Prophets before and after him as believers. Now you try to work it out who are the people who if not 100% but still are on his teachings more than others.
If you need a limited information only to suit your expectations. Then ignore my answer and the link.
apparently he'll be here soon according to this bloke who has wrote these two free to download books and bringing up the subject of deluded lunatics,is the author one or could he indeed be the end time prophet? what do you think?
maybe we should open a new thread on it
Well if he returned as he looked then, he wouldn't be very western looking and I'm sorry to say but those people who are already worried about immigration and 'islamic' types would probably think he was a foreign radical!
Jack - If Christian means the one who believe in Jesus (pbuh) then with due respect to all Christians who believe in his true teachings, I am more Christian than a good number of Christians themselves. Reasons;
1 - Jesus (pbuh) forbid Swine. Christians eat that Muslims do not.
2 - Jesus (pbuh) had Beard, among Muslims are more people with Beard than in Christians.
3 - I believe in Jesus (pbuh) miraculous birth and his miracles which in modern times many Christians do not believe.
4 - Jesus (pbuh) asked people in Bible to follow the messenger who will come after him (Muhammed) pbuh. I am doing that.
5 - Jesus (pbuh) asked in Bible not to worship anyone apart from only one God. Who are the people doing that more.
6 � I have no doubt in his coming back where a good number of Christians have doubts about that.
In the end if you did not like my answer then wait for someone who will give the one you would like. Because I know people here like the answer of their own choice.
keyplus I'm sure there is some validity to your points............HOWEVER, naomis question was directed to Christians.
I believe that you are a Muslim, not a Christian, and therefore you are unable to answer this question in the manner in which naomi intended, no matter how many other links and points you wish to make.
Had naomi asked 'in general' how we would be prepared to accept the claims of someone telling us he is the 'risen Christ' your answers would have had some connection to the question............but she didn't and therefore, they don't.
Andrea - Why would Jesus (pbuh) would look like Western. He was not born in London, Paris or Rome. What people think is a description by few artists. Few years ago if you asked kids what a super man looks like they will draw Christopher Reeve where in Reality Super Man does not Exist.
Read what I sayd again please, I didn't say he looked western or should look western. I was making note of the fact that most art or films I have ever seen makes him look western and that it would not be the case would it. He was not from these parts was he???????
The original Jesus was born in the near middle-east and loked like a chap from those parts should.
As the Christian church was a little disappointed that he should look quite so Jewish.......he's been thoroughly Anglo-Saxonised right down to Robert Powells bright blue eyes.
Should he choose to reappear where he was originally born, as perigra points out, he'll be viewed with mistrust and as some fanatic with an agenda..........
Also his other would be locked up in a mental institution for utterly believing that her son had no earthly father.........
I agree jackthehat! And also, I don't think we would want to believe it either as we would have to face up to our failings and probably crucify him again for pointing the finger!
I say it tongue and cheek, but I think that it;s likely it would happen!
You're quite right, Jack. This question was for Christians. I have a theory that they believe Jesus to be something he wasn't, and therefore if he came back, he wouldn't be what they are expecting, so they would reject him totally and carry on waiting for someone who, of course, would never come.