Theland, Waldo and I may agree to differ in some instances, but I'm sure that he, like me, wouldn't compromise his beliefs by agreeing to meet anyone half way. I believe we're each happy for our arguments to stand on their own merits, hopefully we respect each other's point of view, and neither of us feel any great need to belong to any particular 'club'.
Yes, I do believe there is a spiritual dimension, but I know nothing about it, I can't possibly attribute it to any 'cause', and although I can offer plenty of anecdotes, I can offer no proof whatsoever, and therefore I wouldn't expect anyone to meet me halfway.
Like the prophecies of Nostradamus, biblical prophesies can, and are, manipulated to fit. I gave you an example a few days ago of one that cannot possibly have been fulfilled unless Christianity is preaching the wrong message, and yet is widely lauded by Christians as having been fulfilled.
How can any 'rational' person reach a definite conclusion unless there is no more to discover? The bible, together with other ancient writings, offer us an enormous insight into history, and I personally, cannot reject them, in their entirety, as the manic ramblings of the religious. As you say, the bible does assert that there is a God, but could that be simply because the writers were unable to explain the events they witnessed in any other way? In my opinion, we must dismiss the obvious superstition, and view what we have left with a clear and open mind, and a rational eye - and if we don't, then we are missing much.