China, with you in the medical profession, and me a suffere of Crohns disease, (disease? Yuck! Bell! Leper!), anyway, we shouls team up and found the, "British Bowel Movement!"
With a catchy title like that, and �20 subscriptions, we could clean up! Literally!
Naomi, Mibs, and Luna could become affiliated members, for a reduced fee, and we couuld have seminars on all things bowel orientated, with guest speakers such as George W. Bush who is now looking for a job, and has the added advantage of being full of $hit!
Naomi could run the administration and print business cards, Mibs could offer free proctology advice, and Luna could provide music in the waiting room!
We could have it cracked gal!
My next projects include an, "Itchy Bum Clinic," and a, "Fetish Festival," for men who like to keep their socks on! (Think of the sock sales!)