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Good bye answerbank

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mibn2cweus | 00:15 Tue 01st Apr 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
2435 Answers
Since Naomi will not give me the ****ing key I have decided to follow Jesus and be a Christian just like Theland. I am ashamed of my past history here so I'm going to devote the time I used to spend on ab to reading the Bible. No question really because I no longer care about what people think. I'll get all my answers from God from now on thank you.


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No problem....I'm still trying to work out if I think logically or laterally... At the moment, the thinking bit is actually the main problem!
Sorry China. Just wishful thinking. I'll go and wash my mind out - a bit of carbolic (is that how it's spelt?) should do the trick.

Mmmm .... yes, I suppose it is wrong to see the doctor as a bit of a challenge. But then again ........ (Oops .... where's my carbolic!).

Speaking of logically or laterally, someone just bought me one of those Nintendo Brain Training things. I wonder if they're trying to tell me something? Anyway, it's fun, but I can't see it doing much good! (Anyone here got one?).

Night everyone. x
China, have you attempted your tried and tested fractals / mandellbrott set question yet? How could he resist?
Back to the couch .....................

You are seven years old, you have just gone to bed, but are not tired, so you lie there thinking ...............

of what?

The truth please?
Raised voices. Mum and Dad arguing. Feeling concerned, even frightened.

Other times, Dad comes into the room and tucks us up in bed, telling us how great it is to be in a nice warm bed, when outside it is so cold.

My sister and I laughng, telling stories, jokes, hiding a torch under the blankets.

Mum comes in and tells us a story, and if we are cold, she puts a dressing gown on top of the blankets. Now it is warm, and we are reassured, and drift off to sleep.

My sister sleeps in the most bizarre position, almost fetal, and won't wake up even when I have a good story or joke to tell.

So there! I've bared my soul on the couch!

Whose turn is it next? Who is brave?
I finish work at 3pm Friday. Wioll be in the pub for 3:05pm for one imperial gallon of Tetleys finest smooth bitter.
There's a method in my madness.
C'mon! Hurry up!

Who is next on the couch?
Coo, bit lumpy, this couch!

Right, I'm seven years old, in bed, but not sleepy. Mum's told me a story, always one of the classics, and I'm now thinking of school tomorrow, and what lessons I have to look forward to; of my ballet lessons, of the forthcoming public performance, and of the lovely, sequined, tutu my mum is making for me to wear; of what I'm going to do to get my next Brownie badge; of going to the library on Saturday morning to choose my two books; of having a go at making perfume by picking some dandelions and mixing them with water in a little waxed envelope that used to contain a Wagon Wheel (much bigger in those days!); of being George from the Famous Five (I always felt that Ann was a bit of a wuss) - and I'm thinking why can't I go away to boarding school like they did. My mum says I wouldn't like it, but I'm sure I would. I could have adventures like they do if I went to boarding school.

I'm also thinking about how I can sneak the cat into the bed with me without my mum discovering her and swiftly removing her. Oh, and I'm thinking why did my big brother get a new bike for Christmas, when I only got his old one - although I did get a bride doll called Angela.

See, Theland. I'm brave. Just like George in the Famous Five!!
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Hi Luna, no, you're not cured - but you will be once you get your head around it all. (Sorry!). :o)

Are you going to MIND?
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Good. Let us know how it goes.

(By the way, the word you used is also used to describe something else! Google it).
C u m = A colliquial (sp?) referene to a man having an orgasm/sperm that comes out (well not always but that's another story) during orgasm. Hence, you're not allowed to use it... I think it's considered in bad taste.... trys to look very wide eyed and innocent :-D

Erm... At seven I was probably reading at bedtime. Most likely Peter Pan and if I wasn't reading then chances are I'm listening to a book/tape thing my dad used to get me on a weekly basis so you could read and listen to the stories at the same time. It's entirely possible there are books lining the bottom of my bed as that's where I put them when I'm done and then I get in to trouble for not putting them back on to the shelf.... Possible scenario at any rate.
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Theland, I can't see the point of this excercise really. When I am lying on a couch, nothing I say is to be believed anyway.

China, I found these riddles entertaining inspite of the fact that I failed to answer most 'correctly' . . . if at all.
Why don't you clever people have a go at the twice yearly quiz that Chakka and I both do? Theland, you wanted to know when the next one was available. Here it is - and it's all in a very good cause, so do please at least have a look at it. I warn you though - it's not for wimps. nload.htm

And waddaya mean nothing you say is believed anyway? Who's on that couch with you?
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Wotchit! You know the effect that bobble hat has on you!

Are you feeling better tonight? I hope so. x

And where's Theland? In the pub again? What is it with him and the pub lately? He knows it does him no good. If he doesn't have a crash on his bike, he has a hangover in the morning. Save yourself, Theland. Repent. Give up the demon drink!!! The end of the world is nigh ........ and it's nigh sometime next week, according to some on AB!

And where's China? Sorting someone out for the big night tomorrow, like she said she would, before the end of the world happens later in the week?

And where's mibs? Still on that couch, no doubt!!

Oo-er ... thoughts ..... still on that couch ...... China not around ...... more thoughts ....... oh no! Is mibs China's final fling? China, be careful ...... nothing he says is believed. He won't love you forever ......... oh,.......... but he doesn't need to if the world ends next week - so that's alright then. Enjoy - and PM me with the details. ;o)

Oh well, enough frivolity for tonight. Sleep tight everyone. x

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