Happens on here all the time. Well, I'm over the moon that my team won and will shout it from the rooftops. Do you want to know the Irish and Welsh scores too?
Emmie, sensible people that do not want to know a result will not open a thread when COULD be posted or even if the result is not given, there is a discussion of the match. I am sorry your point is worthless!
JJ109, I disagree. For all anyone can tell from the title here the post might just contain, for example, a question on the rules or about a particular player. Adding 'Potential Spoiler' to that title would have been considerate.
Naomi - While spicerack's point is true, and while it would be courteous to type spoiler alert - I still maintain that if the only heading was "Rugby" then anyone who definitely did not want to see the result and knowing that it was in NEWS and is likely to be discussing the match - then don't open it until AFTER you have watched your recording!