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Avast Blocking My External Hard Drive

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jno | 17:40 Wed 04th Dec 2013 | Computers
1459 Answers
My Avast demanded to be updated yesterday, so I did. Now when I plug my external hard drive in (a little Maxell portable) nothing comes up and I can't back things up. I assume these two events are connected as there was no trouble till today.

Is there any way to tell Avast to permit it? Or of restoring the earlier Avast? (Though I assume the latter would be risky.)

(Please don't advise installing MSE instead as I had the same trouble with it in the past; that's why I installed Avast in the first place.)


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I use up-to-date Avast on W8.1 and don't have this problem. If you right-click the Avast icon in the task tray you'll find the 'Avast Shield Controls' where you can disable it for a period - see if the drive is recognised when Avast is disabled. I suspect it won't make a difference.
18:49 Wed 04th Dec 2013
Afternoon all
Quite a mice day here but definitely a nip in the air now .
I never swear Robinia .Oooh no, said Pinnochio :)
My tablet can't access AB..again. I did ask about it but I haven't a clue how to download a new browser and don't see why I should have to really.Apparently they've changed from http to https.All double dutch to me.
Not much to report otherwise .Hope you're all ok.

I'm having trouble with this site again ....and I'm changing nothing just to suit one website. Still raining, tut.
Predictive text just offered me the word 'wizzened'...oooh...should I take it personally I wonder?
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tried hanging some clothes on the line but of course that brought drizzle like moths to a flame. I dragged them all back into the bathroom and the sun came out, but that was just to annoy me as it soon went away again.

Having lunch with an old friend in a Pizza Express tomorrow, since we have half-price vouchers. If it weren't for pizza vouchers I'd probably never see her.
Good morning. Had a good night's sleep as cat only pratted about once and then slept. Hija is home finally for a week.
Is jno here or there?
I know it's past noon but white rabbits, pinch punch etc. Yet more rain and colder with it sigh

Jno's here neti...well not here with me, here but there, at home.

What shall I do today?
Hello all
Not a mice day at all. Proper hair frizz and cuppa soup weather.
Never mind,it'll soon be Christmas.
Lol Robinia .I have no motivation for anything lately. At least the cobwebs are not so obvious when the days are darker :)
The gap is filled behind the cooker. I now have a nice stainless steel backing doodah. I'm just wondering what the next thing will be to die.I hope it's not the washer.But,knowing my luck ....
Hope you're all ok.
Oh posh shaney, don't you have to wipe stainless Stella with baby oil to keep it looking good.
We all just went to a new restaurant for street food. It was very popular. We had bbq ribs, peppers de patron, huge chicken wings and I mean huge, more like albatross, Mr N and hija shared a huge hamburger with avocado and Stilton in it, lovely chips with skins and salt on various drinks and then a ginger beer, big did that grab the throat! Polished off with apple crumble and their version of custard (natillas) yuk not for me. But very nice and friendly.
Welcome back jno, weather in mice again but quite chilly hooray! Only 20°
WhT is happening in Barcelona? What with that and Brexit and Trump and kin Jon ping pong, what's to do?
Oh hahaha stainless Stella!! Why oh why would my tablet predict such a thing?
I must get off the local fb page as Ive just bought a 24" tv for the kitchen. Why!!
Hija's last night at work and then they are partying so Mr N took her to work as she's not partying with my car!! Wont see her again tonight! Must get her flight sorted before I buy anything else!!!
Good morning biddies. Well what a world as if Brexit wasnt enough to deal with we will soon have an independent Barcelona (as they will declare it anyway) and no Monarch airlines that i flew with this summer. They were nice if expensive. My world just gets better and better. Hija is not home yet so guess she is enjoying herself. Baleares will go for independence and that means ibiza will go one further and become independent so heaven knows where it will leave us. The intelligence of them local government is so limited, they just are not logical, so stupid things will happen. Woe is me.
Yes Neti.The world's going to hell in a handcart ,but it doesn't help when people twist the facts as I've just been reading in News
Very breezy here today and we may get some rain but not the tropical downpours as forecast.
Same old otherwise .

New tv up and running in the kitchen, its connected to my usb where I record all my shows as Mr N cba run a satellite extension cable through the lounge. I would do it but hes fixed the Sky box so I cant get to the back of it. I have a chromcast so one day will connect that and watch tv.
I received a parking fine in the post for €200, me!! It was hija in my car and she is a bit hard up and promised to pay online from dubai! I didnt want it hanging about in my name so went to pay it in bank and they said I had better go to town hall. I did and apparently if I paid by 1st oct it was half price, today was the 2nd! But as the first fell on a sunday, and I was a poor pensioner who's pension didnt get in bank until late Friday, I got it half price!!! So only 100€ bargain!! Well pleased.
So that has paid for the tv which Mr N hasnt even noticed!!!
......and I continue to talk to myself......
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jno jnr recently got a letter from the Florence police. I haven't asked, but I bet it was a parking fine; the Florence system is notoriously poor at putting up comprehensible signs, then putting the frighteners on tourists who've done something wrong.

If not that, then maybe it was something really bad. So I still haven't asked.
Good morning all.
Well jno thats either parking fine or mafia!
A tad overcast at the moment. Havent seen hija since she left for work at 5pm on Sunday! But she texts me so I know she's ok.
Hello all
Bright and breezy ,very breezy actually so the whirly is whirling away full of washing.Only a real feel of 12C out there though.The wind is making it feel quite chilly.
I've just taken a cake out of the oven .Only a sponge which I'll fill with jam and buttercream when it's cold.I'm so pleased with it. I did it to test the new oven.Cooked and risen to perfection.No more lopsided stuff,burnt bits and soggy bottoms.
I won't last the day at this rate:)
Hope you're all ok.
Hello all, its a fine autumn day here, the kitchen is clean (ish) the tortoises are stuffing themselves, the dogs are sleeping in the sunshine and yesterday I made around 10lb of jelly, 7 jars of crab apple and 5 jars of mixed hedgerow. All is right with the world.

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