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Avast Blocking My External Hard Drive

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jno | 17:40 Wed 04th Dec 2013 | Computers
1459 Answers
My Avast demanded to be updated yesterday, so I did. Now when I plug my external hard drive in (a little Maxell portable) nothing comes up and I can't back things up. I assume these two events are connected as there was no trouble till today.

Is there any way to tell Avast to permit it? Or of restoring the earlier Avast? (Though I assume the latter would be risky.)

(Please don't advise installing MSE instead as I had the same trouble with it in the past; that's why I installed Avast in the first place.)


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I use up-to-date Avast on W8.1 and don't have this problem. If you right-click the Avast icon in the task tray you'll find the 'Avast Shield Controls' where you can disable it for a period - see if the drive is recognised when Avast is disabled. I suspect it won't make a difference.
18:49 Wed 04th Dec 2013
Morning...grey and chilly here. Yesterday was lovely, I'm enjoying these sunny spring afternoons, but I did way too much so I need a rest day.
I wouldn't mind an all round diy/builder/cook/gardener. Dream on Robi :)
What day is it, I've lost track already?
... turns page, can't see my post, tut
hello all. We had unexpected weather at 4am so we had cuddles and rubbish telly and tea and biscuits until around 7.30 then went back to bed again...looks like we have more weather coming so I won’t get much done this afternoon
Afternoon each
Not bad here ,cloudy with sunny intervals.Not particularly warm though.
Nothing doing really .I've been sifting through stuff again and moving dust around, chucked a load of old craft stuff ,decoupage sheets etc which I can no longer do with knobbly painful hands as it's too fiddly.
Hope you're all ok .It's Tuesday Robinia :)
Have you fixed that tap yet Woofy?
Oh ...noooooo.......

impact screwdrivers Rock! ......except now I need a tapsplitter. Its still cheaper than a plumber though and as all the house taps are the same age, I don’t mind coughing up for one.
Evening folks, was ypmat 8 to go to the dentist, its anninfected wisdom tooth and she wants to clear the infection before extraction so,now am on anti bios and tooth out next Wed! I wished she had pulled it today as its very painful.
Lovely weather today, had an early coffee as was out and then went for a mystery drive and althought its a small island had no idea where I was, but eventually made it home, i did enjoy myself.
I found my old best friend from the mis 60s, on fb, she was 22 when I last saw her ( she did a runner one night from her army husband when he was home on leave) andmnow shes 72, its funny how people age,,she was so pretty when younger and now looks quite old, but she does have shoulder length grey hair which I think always looks bad on an older woman.
Just cooked sausage, chips and cauliflower cheese, andmit was very nice. Now watching Portillo!
Holby city tonight, i love it, it makes my day!
I settled down to watch Michael Portillo.It said in the Radio Times it was a new series .The last one was in America and I thought this was going to be in America again but a different area. It was a repeat ,not a new series at all.Tut.
I hope the antibiotics do the trick Neti .I expect you'll be glad to get it out.
Night all.
Neti local anaesthetic doesn’t work when there is an infection because the infection changes the ph of the tissue (I know more than I want to about infected teeth. They can still pull the tooth but its raging agony.
I am feeling terribly adult tonight. have ordered a tap splitter. I am growing my grey hair...decided to have one last hippy hurrah.
Morning all. Tooth was OK overnight but is starting to throb now.
Yes shaney I was disappointed with Portillo too so had a bath! His travels have been on/ off lately one day they are on then they aren't. Having a lie in this morning but will get up in a min.
Morning all... quaite naice at the moment but chilly, just waiting for the washer to finish, it's a bit loud but while it still works...
Had a good rest yesterday afternoon so I feel a bit better but I keep feeling a bit heartburn-ish. I think it's from muscle strain and bending too much lately...or maybe it's from eating too many pies and biscuits :)

Ooh poor you neti, take it easy, raising your bp will make it throb more I'd have thought.

I do love diy tools, I'm always asking maintenance workers 'what's that for?' Men do like to think they're educating you don't they?

That's a coincidence, I dreamt I'd had my hair cut really short last night. I also dreamt about some very solid body builder type male, usually not my type at all but he obviously was in my dream :)
Morning all
Nice day so far.Nothing to report .
Hope you're all well .
Good afternoon all. I don’t mind foxes having an active sex life but not in my neighbours’ gardens please because the noise keeps me awake and winds the dogs up. On top of that I am having a hot and giddy day, you’d think I wouldn’t have enough hormones left but it seems that I have. Its a nice day here, was thinking the tortoises might need to come back indoors but their pen is like the Riviera without the sea and the millionaires.
What a gay day ive had. Went for coffee and was joined by a gay couple whom ive known for ages,,fair dos they paid for my coffee, then had to wait to meet a client of Mr Ns as they were paying me for some work, then his gay son turned up, they left and another gay friend sat down for a natter and then as i was leaving another gay regular chatted to me! Its a lovely day but tooth is killing me, cant last much longer! Hospital has phone and cancelled my nose appointment next week.
Must decide what to cook for dinner tonight.
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it'd better be something mushy
Its chilli con carne with rice, I can manage that!
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well......I mean who’da thunk it....I am just gobsmacked
Hello all
Hope you're all ok on this lovely day ,bright sunshine but it's still a bit chilly out of the sun.Looks set to hot up over the weekend though.
That's funny Jno.I remember some years ago now going down to London on the coach to meet some friends for the day.On the return journey we were stuck there in Stratford for over an hour as a bendy bus had got stuck round a corner.
Neti will be disappointed about Baz :)
Disappointed? I've still got the wedding dress in the wardrobe! But he chose to become a friend of Dorothy instead of me!! Yes I knew this ages ago . but it doesn't make the heartbreak any easier!

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