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Avast Blocking My External Hard Drive

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jno | 17:40 Wed 04th Dec 2013 | Computers
1459 Answers
My Avast demanded to be updated yesterday, so I did. Now when I plug my external hard drive in (a little Maxell portable) nothing comes up and I can't back things up. I assume these two events are connected as there was no trouble till today.

Is there any way to tell Avast to permit it? Or of restoring the earlier Avast? (Though I assume the latter would be risky.)

(Please don't advise installing MSE instead as I had the same trouble with it in the past; that's why I installed Avast in the first place.)


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I use up-to-date Avast on W8.1 and don't have this problem. If you right-click the Avast icon in the task tray you'll find the 'Avast Shield Controls' where you can disable it for a period - see if the drive is recognised when Avast is disabled. I suspect it won't make a difference.
18:49 Wed 04th Dec 2013
Morning all. Can't get SR flour or suet unless we grate it from the kidneys which I've tried once! At least I know the slow cooker works !
Hija is driving a huge Dodge car around Dubai taking her boss's 4 cats to the vet as at least one has HIV. She couldn't get the handbrake off so had to ask a passing Arab, who laughed and did it for her! It's nice having house to myself again.
Hope you are all Ok.
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ha, yes, I can see why the Saudis are reluctant to let women drive... wee English lassies stopping passing sheikhs with the excuse that they want to take off the brakes...
I know jno, I was planning my wedding outfit, I'm getting desperate for her to get married! At least she seems to be enjoying it out there, although I've had to send her 100€ to get by on till Monday! Hope she gets a rich sheik!
Oh no not again! I made fresh dumplings to finish the stew and forgot to put in baking powder (which I bought especially today). They were rather small bit tasty nonetheless. What is happening to me?
On the plus side I managed to wash and scrub the kitchen Venetian blind. It was so bad. I remember my dear ma-in-law put hers in the bath,so I spray decreased on them and put them (on a towel) in the bath with coolish warm water. Took a bit of rubbing but finally got it over the line nd then back at window. Well pleased. I was toying with the idea of buying new one instead.
Degreaser obviously
You'll have to come and live here then you'll be a proper Norfolk dumpling! I did the same thing once when I had no SR flour and they were like marbles. I'm pleased to hear you got on with the slow cooker alright.A lot of people don't.I think they put too much liquid in ,meat and veg make their own juices.
Nothing much doing here. It's been mild again but a bit overcast.Hope you're all ok .
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just had lunch with sis and some long-lost cousins. Sis said a friend of hers was selling a house in Sydney somewhere and found a link ... apparently photos aren't enough any more

Drone filming, YouTube and everything.

Then her phone rang. Turned out it was a notification from her security camera to say someone was outside her house. Sure enough, the video showed her cleaning man letting himself in (which he's allowed to do).

She said she'd been sweeping up leaves in front of the house the other day, and when her OH got home she mentioned this to him. He groaned "I know!" Apparently every time she walked back and forth with her broom, his phone rang to tell him and show him the video.

The moral of this story is that I am so far behind new technology that all this looks like magic to me :-(
How annoying. this new phone notifies me every time a friend sneezes, notifications binging every second. But if I ruen them ofd I wont receive the ones I want.
WhatsApp now has delete button which is very handy for when ones sends the text to the wrong person. And it actually works.
Have made a meat and onion pie I've just this minute remembered that I have forgotten to add potatoes to it!!!
Wow ...what a gorgeous house Jno.....and a man does the cleaning?
Can he come to my house please :)

Technology isn't my strong point either .I've just spent about 20 mins trying to put an ink cartridge in the printer.I eventually managed but as the printer is under the table on a plinth you can imagine the scenario.Short sighted woman,with dodgy knees who has to choose between three pairs of specs to read the instructions on the window and ends up getting a torch to be able to see it.
Hope you're all ok .I'm just waiting for the dishwasher to finish chugging so I can go to bed.
You're getting very forgetful Neti,nearly as bad as me:)
Night all.
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lol, the house for sale is in Sydney but the cleaner does my sis's house in Essex and never the twain shall meet. Sis's house isn't all that huge but her husband's quite happy for pay for a cleaner. And to think the immigration people imagined sis was coming to Britain to steal some local's job!
hello all. Another interesting day here. Dogs were playing silly devils here as they do and Rab caught Shughy accidentally. Shughy now has a small hole in his ear flap and another on his muzzle. Nothing that needs the vet but he is a poor unhappy boy tonight. Rab is puzzled and worried and keeps coming up to check on him. can i please have a quiet weekend?
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not much hope of quiet this near November 5
Morning all. Snap shaney sounds like our printer. I don't replace the cartridges Mr N has to do It!
Nov 5 should be quiet from what I've heard, it's all taking place at other times! Obvs don't have it here.
Poor Rab he doesn't understand and poor Shugy. My cat has become rather lazy she sleeps most of the time although does have one moment where she howls and zooms around the house then goes back to sleep. I know the feeling!
Where's our Robi hope she's ok.
Hello all
Haha Jno ,now you can see why I need three pairs of specs .I read it as being your sister's house.Whoever's house it is,it's fabulous.
What a change in the weather .It's really cold here with a biting easterly wind.
Hope you're all ok and that your woofer is better now Woofy.
Yes ,Robinia is conspicuous by her absence. Perhaps she's having difficulties getting up off that new reclining chair :)
Evening I is at long last. I thought I'd have my extra hour a day early so I could use it to catch up on here. I thought I'd been transported back to ye olde grotto dayes when I saw Lottie's name appear. Hi there longlostlottie, so sorry to hear you're struggling hard these days. Keep chugging along, even if it is in the slow lane it beats grinding to a halt.
Yes shaney, the new sofa's lovely, it's turning me into a sloth, it seems warmer than my old one. I'll have to make sure to keep rotating the cushions so the end where I loll doesn't have a dent :) The decorating got finished just in time so it's a bit brighter in here...then there was all the tidying, I was shattered, I don't think I'll bother cleaning until the clocks go forward again. :)
I did watch Liar but the ending was weird. I'm wondering whether it should have been different but was changed when it become popular so a new series could be made.

Hope you're all as ok as possible. I had my mini mammos grammed on Tues so I hope they're problem free. I'd been all aches n pains beforehand and wasn't looking forward to it but it was soon over, I met myself coming back, I was out before I should have gone in :)

Dull and cold day after two lovely ones, I 'spose it's time to get the libbies on. Keep making the dumplings....
Yay hello Robi. Oh is your lounge all posh now. I'd like some new sofas but are ridiculous price here. Ours are sagging a little in the middle as that where we sit or lay. So looking forward to winter nights. Its my time. My LED lights blew in the kitchen(the undershelvws ones) so I was looking to replace them but Mr N found a spare transformer plug and swapped out over and heyho all working
Good morning biddies. I needed that extra hour as I didn't get to sleep until 4am. Last 2 nights am having trouble sleeping which has never been a problem for me. I am admired for my sleeping ability! Then having to go round the house adjusting all clocks! Some I can't reach. Rather chilly here. Last tourists should be leaving or left by now. Ahh peace.
Morning from sunny, chilly Derby.
Peaceful Ibiza? Oh no, not for long, we're on our way. Step on the gas woofy.....
If ever I will the lottery that will happen my dears!

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