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Avast Blocking My External Hard Drive

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jno | 17:40 Wed 04th Dec 2013 | Computers
1459 Answers
My Avast demanded to be updated yesterday, so I did. Now when I plug my external hard drive in (a little Maxell portable) nothing comes up and I can't back things up. I assume these two events are connected as there was no trouble till today.

Is there any way to tell Avast to permit it? Or of restoring the earlier Avast? (Though I assume the latter would be risky.)

(Please don't advise installing MSE instead as I had the same trouble with it in the past; that's why I installed Avast in the first place.)


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I use up-to-date Avast on W8.1 and don't have this problem. If you right-click the Avast icon in the task tray you'll find the 'Avast Shield Controls' where you can disable it for a period - see if the drive is recognised when Avast is disabled. I suspect it won't make a difference.
18:49 Wed 04th Dec 2013
I would like to join in the conversation shaney but havent clue what you two are on about.
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we're lucky, I suppose, we don't get a lot of pain - I have an achy breaky hip that doesn't like being slept on and knees that don't do anything much since a car hit them, and we both get occasional headaches from twisting our necks while asleep. But nothing too terrible.

I have however had two root canals done where the anaesthetic didn't work. Those weren't nice. One dentist didn't believe me, which made it worse; the other realised it was going to happen, warned me, and promised to be as quick as possible; somehow that wasn't nearly so bad.
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neti, I forget what PPI stands for (it's not the credit card scam), but it's basically drugs like Omaprazole etc that you take to suppress reflux acid.
protein pump inhibitor.
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I knew that!
Lol Neti ,do you mean the medicaments bit or what Robina and I were garbling on about? If the latter then that's what the PG Tips monkey in the ads says.You can tell by that,that we're sofa sloths and know all the ads by heart ;)
Morning. Phew what a confusion. Yes what you ad Robi were on about. But also I take on doctor's orders 2 omaprozol a day. I can't face seeing my useless doctor again she'll only poo poo the information so maybe I'll cut it down to one a day. What shall I do? What do any of you do?
My knees at the moment don't like when I've been sitting and then stand to walk also one of my ankles just gives under me with no warning that is embarrassing as I lurch and look drunk. Been bitten again so am being paranoid about fleas! Awful pain from shoulder to head since July but as I'm convinced its a tumour I take paracetamol and ignore it.
what I do (boring) is do serious research on t'net.....not the livestrong/turmeric for everything/get my ebook and live forever websites but the serious research stuff that needs work to understand....not the precis as are published in magazines or newspapers either. Then I make me mind up.....then if I do need to see doc (or vet) at least I have the facts.
Ok that's the serious bit over. Neti if you have had it since July I doubt its a tumour, it sounds more like arthritis or disc degeneration.
Thick fog here. We are popping back to the vet today to pick up different firework meds. Dogs will only have to wait in the car and will hate it but they will hate worse being left at home.
Sending good health wishes to all including Jno's OH
Woofy just seen an advert for a "thunder jacket"for dogs. It wraps round them and makes them feel secure and less frightened of bangs. I bet you are dreading this weekend.
Decided to get a haircut and it's.ok. I have a couple ifnparties from next weekend so decided to get it cut now ( just when it was looking good) cos I know by next weekend it will have grown out of control and if I leave it till then it won't have time for me to get used to it.
thanks neti and it does help some dogs, sadly not mine.
just roll on monday
Hi jno hope OH is coping ok. Regards.
I didn't know there was another series of "Back in time for dinner!" Just caught 1999 on BBC 2, last one. Grrrrr. Shall have to keep a look out.
Shaney if you hear The Queen (or whatever) is on please tell em and I'll do it for both of us.
Doh it's The Crown and is due to start Dec 8, so that's OK.
Hello all, just had huge thunderstorm and then pelted with hailstones, the noise was tremendous as we are flatroofed, but all over. I don't mind when Mr N is at home. We went out at lunchtime, for a couple of drinks and tapas and on the way home I got a Chinese takeaway for one. It was delicious. Mr N preferred the meat and pot pie and fried cabbage from yesterday.
We, between us, managed to put a new flea collar on the cat. She maybe on her last legs but by 'eck she can't 'alf fight. Usually hija manages it but we cant.
A late report. Hope you're all ok and that the fireworks haven't been too bad for you and the woofers woofy.
Hope your OH is doing Ok Jno.Looking forward to The Crown Neti .
Weather here ,mizz drizz but dry now.Hope you're not too achey in this damp Robinia .
I'm not long back from my great niece's wedding reception.It was very nice .Loud music and lots of littlies running about getting over excited with the balloons but lovely to see family again that I don't see that often and have a catch up.I ditched the painkillers so I could have a few drinks but drew the line at Let's do the so think it's time for bed.
Night all.
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Oh now has Netflix and Icloud and everything as jno jnr sorted out the Ipad. Also has a kidney infection from not drinking enough a few days ago, but with luck will be home tomorrow, antibiotics and omaprozole in hand. Fingers crossed, no more oscopies or blood transfusions needed.

I think the bonfires have been a bit muted by drizzle round here, but tomorrow is the official day anyway. Also jno jnr's birthday ... goodness, he is getting on.
Hello all
Nice bright day but very chilly.
Pleased to hear your OH will be home soon Jno and hopefully feeling much better.Plenty of R&R for a while.Happy Birthday to Jnr.
Hope you're all ok.I had a slight headache this morning but it's gone off now.No more inkahol for me until Christmas.
Happy birthday to Jnr. Things are going ok here, new dog meds working pretty well but fireworks didn't end until well after midnight last night when they should have ended at 11pm. Dogs still need me to be alert and supervising and comforting which is pretty tiring and I am very bored with watching recorded american police procedurals which I stock pile for bonfire season because they have continual backing music and so no awkward silences.
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Lazarus has returned with one grey shoe and one brown. I suppose some other patient has a similar pair. Wonderful what they can achieve with transplant surgery these days.
Happy Birthday to jno jnr and welcome home OH.
Very lazy day. We drove to several places. One to see a photo exhibitions od Ibiza in the 70s but we 're never in them!! We then went to Playa den bossa ( awful place but all tourists gone) and we joined the locals for beer and tapas, which was nice. Then home to relax. I've watched a couple of dvds as t.v. is grim at the moment.

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