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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Evening all, nother busy fun day here. My nice DIY man has been round and chatted fridges and I have chosen a new one. Now I just need to mug a millionaire to afford it. (joke)
Anyway oight oight soupies. I am glad the soupmaker didn't go bang.
Good morning, had a lovely undisturbed night's sleep, not a peep from either the cat or Mr N.

Robi will have "best answer" for a couple of days now that jno has gone to the Gulf.
Morning all..well I didn't sleep very well and I'm not a millionaire today... angel teddy needs to flap a bit harder, it looks like he'll be hovering up there for a while.

Chilly and breezy but not frozen this morning.
hello all
Chilly and dull here with that biting easterly wind off the sea..
Hope you're all fine and dandy though .Nothing exciting to report from Shaneytowers .Dull days before Christmas as my Mum used to say !
Lovely day, we went for a walk along Playa den Bossa ( the unknown part) haven't been there for a couple of years and my how it's changed, all built up with posh hotels. Then we ate at one of our favourite little cafes "La Pata Negra", we shared a goats cheese salad with nuts and raisins and delicious sauce, and then I had spag with prawns and veg, it was mixed in soy sauce and was the best thing I have eaten in years, absolutely delicious! Mr N had baby squid, chipirones. One bottle of wine later and I could hardly walk to the car, in bed now with tv on.
hello all, dull and chilly here. We spent the day pottering with craft stuff, very enjoyable. My friend down the road phoned to see if I wanted to go to a Christmas flower arranging event next week, with snacks and mulled wine...can't really turn that one down!
oh dear they've all got the Monday morning blues...

Morning's starting to brighten up at last...not that I'll be doing a lot I've got an awful miserable pain in my left side. I think I might have strained the muscles clearing up the leaves, I found a video on youtube and it described exactly how I feel and where I feel it. It's good this interweb intit? I've tentatively shoved the vac round and that's about my lot I think.

Suede ankle boots, light colour? Not really very practical are they? Trying to convince myself I don't want/need them :)
Woke up to pouring rain but didn't last long.

Good morning all.

Rather chilly out, just finished xmas shopping for posting, just have to afford the postage tomorrow.,

Hope you are all well and happy.

Oh byw Mr N managed to get the soupmaker clean and he made water soup to get it all off, then he wanted me to make soup for tonight, no way, I'm making a stew in my pressure cooker. Stick with what I know!!

Hello all
Dull and cold here and struggling to brighten up .
Not a sign of a bird in the garden and I had put out suet blocks etc.
All hiding probably from the sparrowhawk that's drifting about .He was perched on top the pergola this morning surveying the lie of the land .
Hope you're all ok today though .Hope your pain eases off Robinia .It's so easy to pull something .Buy the boots ,you'll feel sooo much better :)
I'm looking for a nail varnish gift set but can't find anything suitable .I want pale pearly colours and they all seem to be dark colours or blues and greens ,glitters etc.
I know what you mean about nail colours shaney, gift sets are rarely quite right. Could you get a pretty little box & buy individual bottles, Boots are doing 3 for 2 on a lot of make up etc. Essie do lots of colours & coverage is very good.
That's a good idea Robinia .Perhaps I could get a little basket and put some varnishes,remover ,nail files,hand cream etc in it .
I was trying to avoid a trek into town :)
Wish I had pretty nails, but too much handwashing etc has ruined mine :0(

Stew was lovely and filling and warming.
hello all. I don't do varnish either. I do buff though when i can be bothered.
We went out cruising local small shops today...didn't buy anything. Sis goes home tomorrow but back on the 19th and here till new year which will be lovely.
Robi give them a good going over (suede ankle boots) with silicone spray and use a decent suede brush. I have got pale grey ones that get trekked through goodness know what and still look lovely....go on, you know you want to......
I've decided not to buy nail varnish and stuff now after consulting with
my niece .It's for my SiL ,she's 80 soon .I'm going to the hairdressers tomorrow and my hairdresser who also does Sil's hair is going to do a voucher for me so she can have some hair dos on me .
Time for bed said sleepyhead. Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight .
2nd attempt!

Good morning. Yes shaney that is a good idea, it's what hija did for my birthday.

Internet playing up, damp outside.
Morning all...oooh, it was very frosty and frozen earlier this morning but it's going to zoom up to 11C tomorrow...woo, prepare to lose one of six layers then.

Haha, I love you lot, you never say 'Oh you don't want to buy that/those'. Sadly tho' the boots are off the list, they're from Mango, who like to make returns as difficult as possible, at your own expense (preferably registered they say) and we don't have a store in Derby. pffft, I should's their loss 'cos I'd spotted a chunky cardi I rather liked the look of too.

That's a really good idea shaney, a bit of pre paid zhuzhing is a lovely pressie.

Well this pain isn't getting much better so it'll be another day of light duties and filling virtual shopping baskets on the interweb and running away and leaving them. By accident I spotted something my sister said she liked months ago, so I'm mulling it over...although I think it was a sign from the shopping fairy. :)
Quick morning all
I'm running (haha) late .Off to be zhuzhed .Back later .Hope you're all Ok .
Is this your stylist shaney?....we're looking forward to seeing your 'zhuzh' :)

Ordered a mucho cheapio mobi phone, bit of a faff, but I'd got £6.50 in my orange fund to be used before the 30th Nov - every little helps - and for 1p(!) delivery I could request it be delivered before 10am tomorrow. I was going to wait til I went out so I could see for myself but it would cost £s to go to town. I'm such a ditherer shopping online. Well, unless it's a much used site where I can just click 'send this now!' that is :)
My hands are like ice but too early to put the gas fire on. Baking says rolls. Bought myself some wireless headphones but still not quite sure where to plug them in on the TV.
I'm a fetching shade of ash blonde and cinnamon now .
All grey firmly covered up ! All I need now is a tinsel tiara :)
That's a good deal for a phone Robinia .
Do you have to use up your Payg by a certain time ?
I've got Orange but I didn't know there was a time limit on it .I just usually top it up with a voucher from Wilkies .I think I've had about a fiver on it for ages now .I don't use it very much .Just the odd text or very short calls .

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