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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
124 months? I don't think so, should be 14 months. Blood and pee test next Thurs. BP is fine.
Morning all...dull and colder again.

Halellujah, I finally have a new mobile up and running...what a bloody palaver, neti how on earth do you have the patience to keep buying all your new phones and techno stuff? One tiny inexpensive mobile and I'm demented of Derby. It arrived over 3 & half hrs later than promised (why do they bother giving you an option?!) so then I had to grab my coat and go shopping. Too tired to get it going last night... had to ring help this morning cos I wasn't sure about something...then the bloody thing wouldn't make/receive calls texts...ring back...go all around the world until a lovely young man with the same name as Ozzy sorted it out for me. (I had to read the tiniest number out to him from inside the sister would never have been able to see it) Bring back bean tins and a string!

I wish I could take 600mg of ibu, it gives me gut rot too these days....but frozen oven chips I'm fine with :) The Aunt Bessies homestyle are perfectly acceptable...I can't eat much chip shop stuff.

Hope you're all well ....and peaceful!
Think I'll go and knit a coat for my new phone, poor little thing's a bit flimsy :)
Hello all
Dull and cold here .Hope you're all Ok .
The good news is the mammogram was clear ,the bad news is that after two days of no go it's all go
Ooh yes they have to make it all complicated Robinia .
All that faff eh just to be able to say......."I'm on the bus "...hahaa.
"I'm in Iceland, near the frozen peas" ...haha...I actually heard someone say that.

That's good news about your mammo shaney, treat your bazooms to a sexy bra. When you say 'all go'.....hope that only means your life and not your digestion.:) Mine's a bit iffy today.
ps It's definitely not my week...I went outside to feed the birds and just as I was thinking 'it's quite pleasant at the moment' I stepped in a pile of fox poo.
oh Robi, Urgh!
I love all this new technology, but when I have to use Mr N's very basic phone, I've forgotten, all this pressing buttons is so last year, I love touchscreen.

Just washed loose covers, made a meat and pot pie, jam tarts, buttery cabbage and runner beans. Just having a cuppa.
Yes good news re bazooms Shaney, we don't hear for about 3 months, although I guess if they found something unto wards they would phone.
Haha ..all go ..sprinting for England .I'll not be eating date and walnut cake for a while :)
Oh no not stinky fox poop ......ugh. Could be a lucky sign though .Is it Lotto night ?
We don't have foxes on this island, but we now have snakes which came in in some exotic trees. I have yet to see one, but snakes don't scare me, (wait until I see one!!)
No lotto tonight but a win on Saturday would be a good end to a bit of a sh1tto week.
Hope your irritable innards settle own shaney.

oven chip munching, button pressing fossil shuffles off
Ooooh not snakes ...many years ago now we were in the shopping centre in Sutton and they had that chap there from the Really Wild Show doing a gig.
He asked if anyone in the audience was frightened of snakes .Up went my hand ..and then he said ..."lady in the blue dress ,would you like to come up to the stage "
So I had to be brave and go and hold this snake ! It wasn't a poisionous one I hasten to add or you wouldn't have seen me for dust.It was quite a long snake .He did tell me the name of it but I've forgotten now .I was surprised at how warm it felt as it snaked up my arm and round my neck .....and my menfolk thought this was all extremely funny
Nothing exciting ever happened to me in Sutton, apart from the market which I adored.
Oh damn, my bazoom has started vibrating again.
I'm surprised the whole of Ibiza doesn't vibrate with all those gizmos you've got.
vibrating bazooms and phones baptised in the toilet, whatever next. Spent today pottering and tidying, not interesting but necessary...anyway oight ight all.
Oh no Neti ...not a buzzing bazoom .
Are you sure you haven't got your mobi stuck down your bra ?
I've just watched Imagine .It was about Judith Kerr .It was a bit of a tear jerker when she went back to Berlin .What a brilliant woman at 90 and still writing .
Anyway it's time for bed .Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight
Morning all...dull, windy, real feel of 1C. It's very hard to get out of bed on these cold dark mornings.
Loving the new series of Last Tango but apart from that I'm not watching much on the tele at the moment. It's on just so there's some life in the corner but I soon lose interest...when the xmas ads come on I want to throw things. I dislike it more and more each year.
Morning all and bah humbug to Robi!!! My you are up early!

Have you seen the new Corrie street, so big, and so digfferent, Dreary has an extended front room, how are they going to explain all that?

Off to village early toay.
I've been up for two hours neti :( Because Ive been feeling lousy I've been going to bed early, thankfully have slept so I'm awake early.

Btw, my friend thinks my Ozzy son looks like a young Paul Hollywood (I used to think he looked like gary barlow but he's changing as he gets older) I'd never noticed before. He can cook a meal & he loves a cake but he'd rather go fishing.

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