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shaneystar2 | 14:36 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | Computers
516 Answers
Can anyone help a complete computer idiot ?
I always download a couple of crosswords from the web which are in Pdf format. When I try to do this today my computer freezes ,they won't load and I have to log off and restart.The Adobe reader thingy is obviously not working . Tried a systems restore but that doesn't do anything either .I have no idea how to download another reader and am missing my Spectator crossword fix !
We use Firefox .
Any ideas ..thank you .


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neti it amazes me just how much info people give away on there...people tell their names, where they live & then announce they're off on their holidays for a fortnight!! I'm only on there to see my sons pages - in my maiden name, no photos, no info apart from one school attended.
<<< thwacks all of 'em for the hell of it!! >>>
I only communicate with people I actually do know, apart from 3 from here. You lot are my only virtual friends.
ha ha , some people really think these "friends" are real friends!
You mean you're not really real ,neti? After reading pages and pages of this thread I am completely befuddled,no idea what most of it was about ,All the very best to Mr.S. on Sat.our thoughts are with you .Also best wishes to all ailing Biddies and Husbands etc.
Pearl is doing us good (as I hope we are for her) decided we can live for another 7 yrs so we can look after her , Hope Someone up there is listening ! Also had another inspiring boost in my life on Thursday -booked an appointment with Energy suppliers to send an electrician to show us how much electricity we are using with a little gadget .Found a few ways of saving energy -mainly by freezing -changed Light bulbs to energy saving ones also explained the gadget which is now ours but forgot most of it too busy looking at the electrician -a gorgeous Frenchman ! Wanted to ask if he did gardening as I've lots needs doing outside and he could come round every week and I could help him ! Oh well ,must mean I'm feeling better eh ! Mr.D. feeling somewhat better too .
Love to all Dollyxx
oh neti, just to answer your question a few pages back
Hi there I'm home after a lovely night at a Charity Ball. worth every penny.
I could rave on but I wont.Just to say the girls were all in lovely dresses and the buffet was superb.
I'm on FB but I have adjusted my privacy so nobody only friends can see my details, I know all the friends I have personally except, like Neti, my biddyfriends on here who I feel comfortable talking to.
Hello Dolly Glad to hear Pearl is doing alright with you. I'm sure you are doing her good. You talk about your Frenchman, like Neti talks about my bro.
I'm of to bed now got to get up earlyish as I'm going to meet another cousin, brother of the one I went to see last week in Asbourne. This one lives on a narrow boat and will be in the Macclesfield area. So we 3 sisters are going there tomorrow.
Have a good night all. Take care. x
Morning all, ticking along here...going back to bed ion a mo as I had the old IBS for most of last night. It resolved just after midnight and i got up at 4 to take the dogs out (can you see my halo) Mr W is snoring (good sign) Dolly you do sound better...a cute gardener is a double bonus I always think!!
Shaney will be thinking of you both today but not going to harp on
laters all
Good luck mr s thinking of you x
Big Kiss for Shaney and Mr S. Will be back later. xxx
Robi how are you doing today? Its cooler here, hopefully cooler with you too and will make you feel a bit more chipper.
Cooler? cooler? I wish!!!!
quite warm here, like Ibiza only with BBQs.
Thinking of you Shaney and of Mr S, I expect you're by his side at this very moment.

Back later, possums.
....and with water in the garden???
only if put there by hand, neti. They keep promising heavy showers and it keeps not happening. Haven't had more than 6 drops an hour since April. The camels are coping but the grass is going brown.
I have had the sprinkler going so much that Rab is bored with playing in it. Happily they have grown out of chewing the hose, I might even manage to reinstate my porous hose.
No Robi today, hope she's okay
Hi Woofy. Yes I noticed No-Robi - could be a migraine kind of day with all this... weather!

Are we all waiting with bated breath, I know I am. Here's some good music for you Shaney if you're at home and checking in on us. I find this so lovely and soothing, hope you like it too xxx

Nice avatar Neti!

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