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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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8pm jno? I wouldn't need so much anaesthesia at that time I suppose, I'd be half asleep. Actually I wouldn't, I'd be bouncing off the walls with adrenaline from fear, I like to get the dentist over with in a morning. Good luck.

I'm not sure I can do much about seasons woofy but any extension of warm, not hot, days is good. It's looked like autumn here for weeks. I've just been out there pulling & snipping dead leaves. Hmmm, just thought of something to add to the list...a brilliant gardener who works for about 2 quid an hour :)
Today is one step forward, 2 steps back, going round in circles. Decided to make scotch eggs as we can't get them here, I always have a few hard boiled eggs in the outside fridge for salads etc, so defosted my precious UK sausages, made the breadcrumbs, peeled and egg, it was raw, as was the 2nd one! Had to hard boil 4 eggs, then ran out of dsausage misture for the 4th egg, it is now very small. went to deep fry them, the oil is filthy obviously not used since hija was here, have no more so they are coming out very brown, I am fed up!

Actually got the tensikon right on the old sewing machine so the buyer can see it working, now Mr N will wonder why on earth I needed a new one!!
sorry about the typos!!!
I now have violent stomach ache and can't go.

I also prefer to do things in the morning, could not go to a dentist at 8pm although did have to go any 6 pm once, I was half asleep.
no choice, neti, it was the only appointment today and I do not want another night waking up as I grind my teeth. Am hoping the dentist does not fall asleep with my tooth half pulled out.
Thinking of you jno with everything crossed.

Old sewing machine sold, feel quite nostalgic.

Scotch eggs were nice. Still hot here even though at 20.45 it is dark, yay winter's coming!!
Shaney, I've actually done some ironing today the first time since I don't know when.
Just have a few more bits to do so I'm off to finish it while I'm in the mood. Not 100% yet but on the mend touch wood.(taps self on head)

Can't make up my mind whether to watch England and GBB.
Oight oight all!
Snap jude, I also did a huge pile of sheets and curtains from hija's room and have put them away , not having Mr N and the cat sleeping on them. Back on the bed are her green squared covers and curtains which do not need ironing! Found a seam had become opened on one of the pillowcases so nipped to spare room and zoomed it up immediately on machine, it's lovely.
I have been tidying and putting away today and getting back to normal, been out for a drive with the boys, knee now completely stable again (touching wood).
Now woofy, what would happen if you went to bed and told Shugy to like it or lump it, surely after a couple of night howlings he would get the message that he would rather be upstairs with you?
I have also stared on packing up hija's clothes, first lot bagged are the mountains of pj's and bras and thongs.
You busy biddies ..i've done b all today except air off and fold some washing, cook the dinner and write two letters .
It was lovely this afternoon so I sat outside in the sunshine for a while and read my book.
Good luck tomorrow Jno ,hope it's not too painful for you .
weight loss programme continues, I am another tooth lighter. Can't eat or drink till tomorrow (though if I can stay up past midnight cold water might be ok)
Tut Jno you did not heed my advice, ergo you have lost a tooth, when will you youngsters listen! Hope you have a good and painless night.
Oh sorry Jno .I thought you were going tomorrow morning .I don't know my pm's from my am's !
Hope it soon heals.I had three out in one hit once ....ouch.
Night all .
Am or pm which is why I use 24hr clock.
If he was just being difficult Neti, I would tell him like it or lump it but he panics. He has always found storms and fireworks more frightening upstairs because they are noisier and we have had a truly terrible year for storms, since those big ones last october. This has been complicated by my having a long period of time when I couldn't get upstairs because I injured my knee and a long period after that when I was having upstairs redone so I had to sleep downstairs anyway, then more storms.
We are getting there. At one point he wouldn't go upstairs for love or money but now if I go up there to shower or do stuff, he comes up and sleeps on the landing or "helps" We will get there, I just need a long interval of still fine weather to break the association between upstairs and scary stuff.
Jno, I hope you are currently sleeping the sleep of the pain relieved.
Todays deliveries should be two very posh new dog beds, two dog collars ditto and an even posher pump and filter combo for the fish pond. The tortoises will get their designer do over (new enclosure fence and replanted) when they are safely hibernating and then everyone will have been done up, including me!
I am sitting here with tea after taking the boys out for an early run around. The garden door is open and a delicious smell of herbs and scented geraniums is wafting in.
god morning woofy and others.

I do understand woofy when I first came here we had a huge Flemish Bouvier who was terrified of thunder and when it rolled he used to hurtle through the door and rush to lie at the back of an old chair even though he was too big and didn't fit. The door still has his claws marks he made when trying to get it! If he got caught in the rain all his fluffy fur would stick to him and he looked ridiculously thin, he was a lovely dog.
jno, how are you this morning? hope the tooth or lack of one didn't hurt too much in the night.

Jude, is Steady recovered now?

Shaney, is Mr S well again now?

and Robi hope you are going to mexico.
jaw's a bit sore but less sore than it was before the offending object was removed, so that's okay. I will havd to slosh Corsodyl around for the next week, but not till this evening 24 hours after, or it will interfere with the blood clot and we don't want to disturb clots, do we.

So yet another biddy survival story.

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