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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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And ....don't forget to monitor the situtation :)
Temps up chest clear according to Nurse Practioner. Told me to do exactly what you did Woofy. Needn't have gone really but not to worry I was in and out in 5 minutes. Taking it easy now as I've been doing!
I was a matching hand bag and shoes person for years but not anymore. One regular every day and matching one ever now and then but not often.

Off to bed now goodnight all. Have a peaceful sleep.
Haha we are a sqadron of healing biddies. (Spelt wrong deliberately)

Anyone watching "in the club"! I am enjoying it.
Now watching CBB.
Just watched it Neti .Bit of a tear jerker .I wasn't too sure about it to start with but am hooked now .I'm so glad the baby turned out to belong to Dev after all.Last one next week .
Hope you feel better soon Jude .I ache on a permanent basis and it's no fun at all.Hope Jno's OH is feeling better .
Goodnight all,sleep well .
Shaney wait up, I wonder if she lied to Dev, no one official told him! I know I know, just sayin'
oh I am a total bruxist, woofgang. I have a mouthguard at night but I think it's slightly off kilter at the moment as I have a big gap on one side (awaiting implants and crowns) and I am putting unusual pressure on a back tooth (which is also a crown). But it may just be the tooth is failing and will have to go.
Oh yes ..I see .We didn't see anyone actually tell her .
So ...she still might be lying to Dev .Tut ..the plot thickens !!
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Morning all...very cloudy and looks to be the same all week...but mild, so that's something.

I clench my jaw and don't realise until I get a pain up the side of my head but as far as I'm aware I don't grind my teeth in the night....I do my gnashing in the daytime :)

KBO, stay positive, keep smiling and all ...I'm doing a cosmic order, anybody want anything?
Good morning all. Cosmic order? How big is the delivery vehicle?

Shaney probably nothing like I suggested as it would go nowhere.
Must finish cleaning.
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As big as you like neti, so long as it's for the good. You can't order a wrecking ball to go through someone's front room.
What? Not even a glittery wrecking ball, would be for the good of the community
good morning all. I used to be a toothgrinder then stopped for no reason that I know of.
Robi if you could channel some its not scary to sleep upstairs thoughts for Shughy that would be good please. I could go upstairs and use my perfectly good bed instead of making one up on the (admittedly very comfortable) settee.
Nice day here today, cool and bright, very autumnal.
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I quite like the idea of a wrecking glitterball neti but we couldn't risk a wrong delivery and have the local disco divas all squashed on a night out.

Poor Shughy...and poor you woofy. For him it'll be something calming ...mogadog? Actually even though it's old and not so comfortable I was warm and sleepy on the settee last night and I considered staying put but dragging yourself off in the early hours when it's dropped cold and you've a stiff neck is, well, a real drag.
Morning all
It's not very bright but dry and a bit muggy.
I'd like to be pain free for a day please .
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I know shaney, me too, it's top of the list. It might take a while so in the meantime I'll add a prize for you, I've noticed you haven't won anything recently :)
well its not dreadful, the settee makes up into quite a comfortable single bed, but how about you channel this for all of us only a bit early
That's interesting Woofy .I was only thinking this morning that the leaves are turning .The big old trees across the road in the park are already golden .
And it won't be long before they all blow into my porch :)
Oh Autumn, please please bring it on! Getting hotter and sweatier everyday, I hate September always too hot.
Oh yes a little prize would be nice Robinia .My last win was that dictionary, it's time I won more dosh or a designer handbag :)
The sun has got out here now and it's quite warm .
i have got an 8pm appointment at my dentist far away in sarf lunnun, so we'll see how we go.

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