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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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I know the feeling Neti .It's probably fedupness with cooking .
I made a chicken curry tonight .Mr S likes all this sort of thing but I don't .I get fed up with making stuff that I can't eat .
I had an egg sandwich and a packet of crisps
I end up with lots of little portions of stuff in the freezer .I cook for him mainly and I just eat what suits my insides .
I find the heat does it to me. I get as hungry as ever but really don't know what to eat.
You will be pleased to know the chicken and falafel has left the building.
Lol woofy .....nothing worse ...Hope your insides settle .
I could quite happily live on a diet of potatoes ,cold meat and salad ( lots of chs on the salad ) and just to ring the changes ,something on toast .eg sdns ,cheese & toms or scrambled eggs ,the odd roast dinner/greens fix and the odd burger bar,fish and chips fix ,interspersed by cake :)
Same as me except for the salad. If i try and do a healthy diet it wrecks me.
I love salad but only plain .Lettuce ,toms ,cue and spring onion with lots of grated cheese .I never have dressing these days .I love olives and garlic etc but they are no go these days unless I want to to dash all day.Tomorow I'm having the seafood I bought today with salad .Herrings in cream with dill and apple for Mr S .....yuk :)
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It's been mild here but very dull, it was dark early.

I didn't realise you were both as food restricted as I am, you seem to eat well. That's pretty similar my diet too shaney, but little meat, only as much salad as you'd get in a sandwich, I can't do a lot of raw stuff and I don't get so bloated since I cut down on cake. I had a handful of oven chips tonight with one of those birds eye inspirations fish, they're really tasty.
I often see them sitting outside Greg's, stuffing their faces with pasties and I wish I could. I used to have a mild curry every Friday. Hey ho.
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Lovely doggy bed woofy, Paul OGrady's on with the dogs now.
Just had slices of cheddar with syrup drizzled heavily on it, delish!! It's a spanish desert but should be Manchego cheese!
Cake is usually a scone or fruit bun Robinia .I sometimes have a Belgian bun with cream and jam from the bakers .Too delicious to resist.I love greens and fruit but I have to take it easy with them .I eat a lot of bananas and tinned fruit seems to suit me better than fresh.Peaches or mandarin oranges .If I were to eat a fresh orange I would be in the small rom all day and as for milk .....
I notice lately that I cannot digest as much, lettuce repeats, as do peppers, but my stomach can take most foodstuffs.
The curries are in the fridge until tomorrow, Mr N has had a salad. Just had a coffee, love a coffee in the evening.
I can do milk but very little fruit or veg. I love fruit but can't eat a lot. I used to just about live on it. Can't do much fibre at all. Heigh ho. Its funny when my Sis is here, she eats a very healthy diet, things I actually enjoy like loads of fruit, brown bread and so on. At first I used to eat the same and every time she came I got ill, so I had to stop and go back to my usual carbs and junk diet. It worried her at first that i ate so unhealthily but now she understands!
Oight oight all! Had another better day!
My plumber came to see me today with his fabulous children. Really perked me up no end.
Have a good night all.
Milk upsets me. I only have almond or oat milk .The slightest splash of skimmed in tea.
My doctor told me you can overdo fibre. I'm convinced all these drugs I' ve had over the years for this arthritic gubbins have affected my insides which is why I'm loathe to try yet another drug .
I'm watching Dallas ...cheesey but I love it.

Night sound a lot better.
I've just been thinking .Mr S went through all that agony and has got a stoma and can now eat anything and everything and I get the gripes if I eat brown bread
anybody seen where my Indian Summer went? Another cloudy day coming up. Might go and see the tall ships at Greenwich if my teeth permit.
its not hidng down here Jno, its very dark here.
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Morning all...I see no ships, probably because it's too dark and gloomy here too, but we may[i see a glimpse of sun later....yeh, right.

I watched Chasing Shadows last night, it was pretty good I thought, not too complicated for my tired brain. I can't watch the tele in bed because my freeview box has given out this week, tut. I can't decide whether to buy another and probably have the old tv die on me, or treat myself to a new tv, just a small one that I can have fixed on the wall out of the way.
[i]adds to cosmic list]

Hope there's not too much rumbling for us all today.
Morning all
Cloudy here but supposed to brighten up .
Couple of tall ships arriving here today for the Maritime Festival.

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