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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
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I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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It was lovely here but I can't sit still for long and it was hot in the sun and a bit too cool in the shade. Never satisfied.
Hope it wasn't to hot up there or mrs woody's eggs will be cooked :)

that's a beautiful place to live Robi
looks like it could be a sunny day, but this is probably all computer imagery, like Avatar.
Morning all
Lovely picture.Sunny here but chilly atm. Definite nip in the air of a morning now .Hope all are well.
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Morning all... very chilly here too but sunny with clear skies.

Yes woofy, it's a lovely place to live, she's well tucked in this morning. I hope they manage to raise a baby, I love to see them bumbling around...there's been one young woody this year. All the birds have been singing their beaks off this week, they must be enjoying the weather. The swifts have gone but the house martins are still here.

Seems it's not just my garden then...but I could have done without that aggressive one yesterday

Hope all the aches and pains are minimal...if only mine were sigh
good afternoon all Robi, I will come and sit on the aches and pains corner with you. I have woken up with a stonker of a headache for no reason that I can think of.
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oh dear woofy, I had a headache come on quite suddenly yesterday but thankfully it was short lived. I think it's the air pressure.
I think I'll tip a couple of my summer tubs out, I'm wasting water keeping straggly plants alive.
We traipsed to Lidl .They had those flat shoes on offer again ,two pairs for a tenner .You can never have enough slippers .
Got a few other goodies .Managed to flag the bus down outside the door and the bus back was on time too and dropped us back across the road ,so not a lot of waiting around,thank goodness.
It's got out quite warm now.
Afternoon folks, snap I have an achey hip and having the shiiteish day imaginable and cannot tell anyone about it !!

Stonking hot here we are all moaning, it's the humidity, driving up crazy, still Mr N had disappeared somewere so I have mopped and swept and cleaned and ironed and swam and coffeed, so that is all to the good.
ah Neti, sorry for your bad day, I hope you are feeling better now. I have been headachey all day so have taken it easy and pottered. Sis arrives tomorrow but not till the evening so loads of time to get the house tidy. I am sure its the weather.
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I haven't done much either and I'm blaming all these pains on the super duper moon. Got to blame something.
Its very beautiful though, it was right overhead when I went to bed and still up when I took the dogs out this morning.
thank you for the link, Robi, soooo sorry to hear the Mail is worried about vanishing wasps, but that would explain our mega crop of fruit this year, I suppose, as well as why nobody's stung me. Also delighted to see Jill Dando's fiancé will be on hand to help Kate, all the Mail's Christmases will be coming at once, and the new baby will save the Union. That's the Scottish and English union, not Kate's own.
Poor Kate, she does suffer for Britain. All that gravi whatsits, it is dreadful.

Mr N has created yet another delicious dish, it was spanish black sausage in slices with fried onions, then a layer of lumps of cauliflower (is that how you spell it, we have coliflor) and a rather lovely thick layer of cheese sauce with cherry toms scattered through. It was nice. Bless him, he disappeared for several hours to give me space, yes I feel suitably chastised, but will be fed up with him again soon!
good morning. haven't seen loads of wasps this year but normal amounts I guess, they come and drink from the fish pond. We have had loads and loads of bees though of all kinds which is nice and the ivy hasn't flowered yet. I woke up still in my dreams this morning and they weren't nice. Its an odd feeling, I have to sit down till the real world comes back.
Busy day today, Sis arrives this evening and I need to clean.
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Morning's a weather game of two halves this morning, lovely and warm on the front and very chilly at the back & in the house....I'll have to sit on the front doorstep.
Morning all
Lovely bright day.'s like that here too Robinia .We get the sun full blast in the front in the mornings .I could sit on the roof though .
1 step forward 2 steps back. Went to see Adrian yesterday and he checked me all over and has put me on Amoxicillin 500mg ×3 a day for 7days. Will my energy ever come back? Sorry Biddy Friends for being such a mardarse! :( See yer later!
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You're not a mardarse jude, you're brave enough to see the doc. :) Antibiotics for feeling sick though? Seems odd. He does like to give out the anti-b's, my neighbour was always on them but he doesn't come out to her very often these days.

just waitin' for the washer, I decided to freshen up a winter padded coat, I don't suppose it'll be too long before I need it.
give it a good scrub while you're there, Robinia. Still nice out there, so we might go and watch the ships sail away, though it would be nice if some of them actually put all their sails up.

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