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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Its nice here to now, am taking a break between blasts of cleaning. Dinner is cooking, the dishwasher and washing machine are running and all is right with the world.
Jude, if a virus drags on it makes you vulnerable to secondary infections so maybe that's why the anti bi's.
back to work....
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wouldn't you love to see people scrubbing their steps? I used to have to do the back one when I had a dog. You're lucky to see anyone sweeping their fronts these days (apart from me and my friend over the road that is, we like to have a clean entrance)

Hope you've put the pots and the laundry in the right machines woofy
Good day all, too hot for anything. We are just flopping in lounge.
Lovely here ,mild and pleasantly warm. I took the big curtains in the front room ,down,washed them ,cleaned the yards of window and with the help of Mr S managed to teeter about on a step ladder and put them back up again .
It must have been like something out of Laurel and Hardy to watch us bggering about .My arms ache now
The next curtains I buy will be black as they won't show the muck !
we are clean, I am clean, yes I put the pots in the right machine but only just.
lovely day and the tall ships were a sight, most of them had at least a few symbolic sails up but they didn't seem to move in the wind so maybe they were imaginary.
Here's the one which came up the river here last week Jno .We only get two for the festival ,plus an old wherry .We do get the odd ones from time to time which are on their way from somewhere to somewhere else and just want to anchor overnight .They're lovely to see.

here are some of today's ones, shaney. I'm not sure if we saw them all as some were moored further down the river at Woolwich (we were a bit upriver by the Dome), but there were lots, 30 or so, I think.
Oh those are really lovely Jno .That second one looks familiar .I'm sure it's been here .It looks like The Grand Turk .30 tall ships ,must have been an amazing sight .Lovely pictures ,they look wonderful in full sail .I'm very envious :)
the one with the red sails is Eye of the Wind, which claims to have been in movies I've never heard of (the only one I have is Blue Lagoon, and that was too long ago to remember, even the remake). The yellow one is Russian, Shtandart, which was commissioned by Catherine the Great but not actually built till 1999, so maybe she wasn't so great after all. The other one is a topsail schooner called Oosterschelde, built by the Dutch in 1918.
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Morning all... same again weatherwise, very chilly but bright.

They're spectacular ships, I've never seen anything like that, canal boats seem grand to me.

♫ I'm in the moooood for spendin' ♫

but I mustn't.... click click
tut, you Midlanders need to take to the water more often, every gal loves a sailor
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hahaha...he looks more like a knitting pattern model than a sailor. I prefer the experienced look...
Morning all
Another lovely day.This is ideal weather .Hope you're all ok .
The Turk has the same sort of paint job Jno which is why it looked familiar.
Go on ,have a click Robinia ,you know you want to :)
Good day to you all.

Have had a worrying time lately couldn't tell anyone, but it's all sorted now hopefully.

My hip is killing me, but is beter if I keep on the move, so Mr N went out after i came home from doing errands, so I decided to change the bed, which went in the washing machine, I went to check it and it had flooded absolutely everywhere, luckily it is in a casita in the garden, and I can turn the leccy off from outside, which I did and then swept the water out down the garden, moved the old spin drier to the back patio and spun everything before I could hang it out, luckily it had been rinsed. The nightclothes had to be washed by hand! I am shattered, so hoovered all through and mopped the floors. The humidity is unbearable so keep popping in pool.

Hope you are all find and dandy.
I hope hija's all okay out there, neti?
Hello all.
Neti thinking about you. 'Things' usually do get better don't they even when you think they never will. Been there done that!
Jno what lovely ships. I would love to see them for real. I don't mind going on the water even though I've never been on an ocean going liner. a cruise doesn't really appeal to me unless it's one of those where you can get off every day somewhere different!
I've done cross The Channel and The Irish Sea and hovercraft between
France and England and a 12 seater one from
South sea to the Isle of White. All good fun. It was the one called The Princess Margaret across the Channel.
Hope everybody is ok today. Aches and pains at the minimum. I think I can say I'm on the mend now with the help of the AntiBiotics. I still feel like I want to rest but I've started doing the odd job here and there now.
Thanks for your caring comments.
The weather is lovely here and I've been in the garden doing a bit.
Laters gaters!
Jude, that's the only type of cruise I've done, ones where every day is different. I'm not interested in spending days crossing the Atlantic, but island-hopping round the Caribbean or crusing along the Rhine is lovely.

I'd love to be on board one of those sailing ships, though I'd probably end up being keelhauled for falling asleep on watch.
Oh Mr N decided to clean the washing machine filter and didn't put it back properly, I could kill him, all that extra work in this heat.
oh poor neti, I hope you found the missing bits

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