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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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I'll have to try it for android, does it work on wifi anywhere?
Oh I already have downloaded.
yes there it is on my phone, all ready to use!!!
Neti I use it only on my wifi at home. Orange say if you use on mega whatsits it uses a lot per call. Hope you understand that. It is free through on wifi!
OK Jude I'll use on WiFi only, thanks for the advice x
Ok Neti enjoy!

Oight oight every one off to bed now. Hope it's a nice day tomorrow as I'm in the mood for pottering round the garden!
Oight oight everyone everywhere x
nice day so far, everyone to their secateurs!
Good morning from a hot and frazzled paradise!!

Oh jno not gardening please!!

Had the weirdest of dreams, really disturbing, but say no more.

Robi and woofy hope you are cheering up!
Morning all
Was nice here ,clouded up now though so secateurs are on hold .
Hope you're all as well as especially Robinia and Woofy.
I'm in usual slowcoach mode .
Am girding my loins in preparation for a paella lunch, will be glad when all this wining and dining will be over which will be tomorrow.
Question Author it safe to come out? Has the birthday bunfight ceased? tut

Very mild but dull and breezy. We might have some showers tomorrow apparently.

Don't worry, I'm not rocking in a corner, I was busy yesterday. Sister had picked up a new smart tele for me for the bedroom, I decided I needed a treat, I haven't bought much at all this year, one pr of shoes & two t shirts. It's great, I can watch youtube, Iplayer and Netflix on it...but I haven't fathomed out how yet.
Did some shopping at sains and some very polite, immaculately smart air cadets were doing the packing....hmmmm, clearly mine never went shopping with his mum.
And then baby moondust came to show me his new trick. Haha...drum roll...stand aside, toddler coming through. As he gets faster he seems compelled to blow a raspberry...I might try that one myself, maybe it helps with speed and balance. :)

our sailor grabbed a saw and reduced our sprawling, collapsing plum tree to manageable proportions, which should fortify it for next year's harvest, and they've now gone off to the palace to see the queen (or maybe just a valet or gardener or something if they're lucky).
hello all, still got the cold and feeling like poo. Sis is looking after me. back when I won't give you all computer virus. Glad you are feeling better Robi.
Sorry Woofy to hear you're still suffering. Do what you advised me to do and rest! Get well soon!
Well, the clouds rolled away and it's been lovely after all.
You sound more cheerful Robinia ,that made me smile .I can just imagine him zooming along .I hope you've put the Crown Derby in a safe place :)
Hope your cold soon clears up Woofy .
I could do with an old salt with a saw to get rid of some of the jungle here I did a bit of half hearted snipping earlier for a little while but I think I'm just encouraging further growth ! I have more snipping and stringing later as my bro popped in with big bag of runner beans .
our guests took us out for a nice but big dinner... the weight-loss programme is in serious disarray, and they are here for two more days.

To the toe hospital tomorrow, I think it's just an ingrowing toenail that's making it painful when it bumps something but I have been waiting since Christmas for a referral appointment. Not a high priority with the NHS, I suppose.
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Morning tout...we've had some rain and it smells lovely but it hasn't soaked anything. The spiders are huge and strong this autumn, my garden is zip wire country. They'll come in handy if I run out of washing line space.

Hope the cold clears woofy, it's good to have your sis to help out but a shame you're not enjoying yourself.

You mean you've an ingrowing toenail (ouch!) and they're not sending you for a 'camera where the don't shine job' jno? It seems they're doing it for every complaint these days. You go in with your beret on wonky and they want to look northward to find out why. Good luck.

Shaney my few china treasures have been moved into my boudoir, especially since I started to get clumsy. Baby M's routine is to squeeze the hairy cushion, squeeze Dylan the dog, who lives under the coffee table...he obviously thinks they're my pets, they have cats... before he rearranges everything else onto the floor.
In case you're wondering, this is Dylan...
Good morning. When I click on the
Iink all I get is error, continue shopping! So not all bad.
Poor Jno it never rains eh? Probably a slipped tooth.
Hope woofy is feeling better and Robi hope your insides are OK .
Obviously its still stinking hot here!
Morning all
Bright and sunny here although it's supposed to be misty and damp according to Accu .Plenty of spiders here too and the daddy long legs are starting to invade as well .I had one in here last night flitting about .I thought Neti would be interested in that bit of info :)
Hope you're all ok .Good luck Jno ,that's a very long wait for an appt .
Dylan the dog is very cute
I've got one I bought in QD .It plays jive bunny and his head waggles from side to side and his ears go up and down ..haha.

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