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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Ooops Woofy not you now. There's always something isn't there! Hope it's gone soon.
I'm actually going out with my R & R friend who lives over the road for a quiet lunch today. The first time for over 3 weeks. Thank goodness I'm getting in the mood again for getting out.
Just have to get back into house-work again now.
Steady is ok now thank you Neti. He's back at work now and doing fine.
Hope you all have a good weekend. I'm looking forward to Sunday when The Rams play Forest away! I know it's only a few miles up the Brian Clough Way but I'm going to watch it on Sky!
I must stop saying 'now' every sentence!!
now now, Jude!

Sorry to hear that, woofgang, where did you pick that up? Not in between the house and the pool, I suppose.

The postman woke me up delivering the second edition of the Great Family History; it looks good so I will send copies off again.
Morning all
Bit brighter today .
Oh do Woofy .There's always something .Hope it soon clears up .
Nothing exciting here ,same old .
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Morning pleased for you jno, that must be a relief ...keep calm and carry on. And I'm glad you're getting back to normal Jude..are any of us normal? Hobe your code is short lived woofy.
It's all doom and gloom for me, I had a terrible pain session on Wed evening, too exhausted to move yesterday so this morning I went to see the mexico. I was terrified and as I feared, 'because of my age' it's an urgent referral to the gastro clinic and they'll want to do a camera up the flue job :'( They'll be in contact within two weeks. All my nightmares in one, I'm scared stiff.

The weather? erm, mild and cloudy...deep depression over Derby.
Oh crikey Robinia .I hope you have someone to go with you .
Keep calm lass .Easy for me to say but I would be bricking it too.
oh dear, robi, take an ipod and don't look at the screen if they ask you to is my advice. Not that I recognised anything when I looked myself. Maybe they should have little tags on saying "Hi! I'm your appendix!"
Oh Robi. I feel for you. I agree with Jno don't look at the screen. I didn't - just talked to the nurse who was sitting holding my hand. I tell you - I really am such a M****rse!
Poor Robi, how scary, but yes look at the screen I would, I watched the mexicos remove a cyst from my groin, looked like a prawn, obviously your sister will go with you, but I do not envy you, but you'll be OK, you are our glorious leader!!!
Oh poor woofy too,just catching up on the posts, I have wined and dined a bit too well!!
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Thanks for your support, and it's reassuring to know you two survived the ordeal. Actually lots of the people I know have had it done, and its good how we can talk about things which at one time wouldn't have even been mentioned. I don't think some people poo'd til the 80s. I know I'll be beside myself with fear, I don't like being out of control. I'll arrange to have a live stream of the procedure played in b&s. If I've got to suffer then so has everyone else :).

Some good news btw, baby moondust has started walking! I've seen a little video, it's hilarious, he's so pleased with himself. Come to think of it, he moves like me on a doddery day.
Oh bless ..I hope that cheered you up a bit Robinia ,lovely when they start toddling about .
I can understand how you feel,I'd be quivering wreck .Mr S has had them and up his whatnot as well ! My brother too,several times .I think you can be sedated .
You can't go on feeling poorly ,better to get it looked at.We'll all be holding your virtual hand :)
Robi I love it when little ones learn to walk and talk and how pleased they are with themselves when they realise they can!
Keep your chin up.

Goodnight all have a peaceful and pain free weekend.
Morning all
Just having my tea,tst and drugs before going to the bakery. It's cake day!
Hope you're all ok this morning .Pip pip for now .
Oh a toddling Baby Moondust, how sweet is that!

Good morning all, hope you are feeling OK Robi, we are all here for you even if we canne procedure for you! x
Yesterday's lunch was a bit wild, but great fun, now just had amessage from sister's stepson who took me to Ascot, he is over here, so we are meeting again for another lunch, oh gawd, my head, and tomorrow more friends for paella!

We are not bothering to do the shopping today as Mr N has to meet someone at 11, but I am sure there is enough food in the house until Monday.

Hope your cold isn't getting you down woofy.
friends arrived yesterday for a few days and they have all gone out with OH to see the docklands museum (he is a sailor)
At last I'm on the move a little bit more. Went (in my car) to the local park where Fuschia's granddaughter was playing football. I saw the second half and they won 10 - 0. Had a walk round and felt heaps better.
Also bought another 3 plants for my garden. Out door growing cyclamen and a carnation variety. I'm going to pot them and when it gets frosty they're going in my lovely dry shed for the winter.
Jno your family and friends go on some lovely outings. They all appeal to me.
Off now to take my amoxicillin. Nearly finished them now! Ooops another now!
Back from a lovely lunch on Es Figueral beach, lucky there were lots of shady trees, as it was sooo hot. This island is geting hotter by the day, hotter than Dubai yesterday, I didn't sign up for all this! My eye is running uncontrollably and hurting!! Even the drops make it sting!
Isn't the internet amazing? Mr N and I have just skyped hija in Dubai, she looks just the same, makes an old mummy very happy.
Happy for you Neti. Skype is brill. I'm on it every day to my 'friend' and then sometimes to New Zealand to my niece. In fact I usually use my ipad but the other day it needed charging so I downloaded Skype for android and used my phone. Brilliant. And to think years ago it was the ole fashioned hand written letters.

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