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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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I'm glad you're sorted now neti...nothing worse than worrying about life... and mis-matched pegs and all that.

hahaaaaa...I love that shopping thing shaney, I've saved it to pass on. As I feared yesterday's pain free offer was a passing phase & I'm back to discomfort again, hey ho, but I ambled to the shops, just because the weather is so fabulous really, and I hovered by the jewellery in the card & gift shop but resisited. The only non essential I bought was a pretty hardback notebook to write 'stuff' in for £2 ....I realised when I got home it's the same colours as those I'm wearing. Now, how many l's in..... ?

I've gone off your doc Jude, apparently when it comes to fibromyalgia he's a non believer.

Been lovely here .I'm sorry you're having it too hot Neti especially with washing machine disasters .I remember coming home from work one day and the water met me at the door and Shaney was paddling around in it ! I've never gone out and left a machine on since .
You sound better Jude ,hopefully the meds will do the trick for .We can't have you flopping about and not being able to rock and roll:)
I'd love to go on trip on a sailing ship too .
I did go on one at the festival for a look round though a few years ago when I was more mobile and also went on the old drifter but drew the line at climbing down a vertical ladder into the engine room .
My only other cruising has been down the Rhine ,round the fjords in Norway and like Jude ,ferry to the IOW and frequent crossings from Harwich to the Hook. I love boats and trains .
Used to love the breakfast on the early boat train .Nice tables ,with tablecloths, a waiter and a lovely cooked brekkie .Proper pots of tea or coffee and a little vase of flowers on the table .Happy days. can never have too many notebooks Robinia .They have nice ones in Card Factory for a quid and they've got a little envelope thing in the back of them for keeping important things in .Haha.
Shall I give you the link to Cult Pens ...hmmm:)
Yes Shaney I have one of those £1 notebooks but they are jolly heavy in the handbag.
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no need for a link shaney..I've found it :)
Me and my sis love stationary, paper, notebooks, folders...paper clips....rubber stamps... The biddy equivalent of the Anne Summers shops.

I once fell down a flight of steps on the IOM ferry with a bottle of coke in my hand and didn't spill a drop.
I don't keep mine in my handbag neti ..they're all lined up on the shelf above my computer and labelled :)
I've been a stationary addict ever since I went to senior school .I used to love getting a new roughbook which always started out pristine but ended up just that ..rough
Nice notebook paper is Rhodia's lovely and smooth to write on .They do refills which fit my little notebook which I won from the Telegraph crossie .
I'd better go and look at my jacket spuds before I get carried away :)
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lol @ roughbook...haha, I'd forgotten about those. Carbon paper! That was magic.

The lady who owned the local hardware store gave us the old wallpaper books so all our exercise books were covered in a different paper. The teachers must have thought we lived in a house with about 30 well decorated rooms. :)
I love all things stationery too. Love pens and paper. I keep a diary everyday and love writing in it. Have them all the way back to 1977 the earlier ones got lost on all the moving. Solves many an argument when I can check facts and GLOAT!
Would hate a cruise., but would like a Viking River cruise to the Baltics. Have done the 2 day, one ngiht crossings in cruise ships but not my thing. Love hovercrafts, alas no more.
Did you have to make pen wipers, little felt books to wipe the nib on?? and monogramed sports bags?
Good morning. Am still in bed, will get up shortly.

Hope you all had a good night.

Our goddaughter gave birth to a baby boy at 6am
going to be party sunny all day except when it's partly cloudy. From what I can see it's all cloudy, but maybe that will burn off and leave another Indian summer day. Anyway, I am orff to a cardio person this mornng, so maybe a nice cardi is in store for me too.
Morning all
Cloudy here too ,supposed to get out brighter later.
Congrats to your goddaughter Neti .
Good luck at the cardio Jno .
woohoo, cardio says there's nothing wrong with me, I've never had a heart attack, the fatal ECG must have been down to operator error but he did another one which shows I am fine.

I may go and swallow a three-litre tub of Ben and Jerry's to celebrate.
That's great news Jno .Enjoy your ice cream !
Brilliant news Jno. Really happy for you.
I feel heaps better today and I've managed to get to the hairdressers to keep my appointment for a trim. I still don't feel 100% yet but deffo on the way.
I love stationary/ery not sure which! I have to write all my finances down even though I do it on my LT. Mad or what.
I on,y have one problem with my diary (June to June) and that it I start very neatly and then end up 'scribbly'!
Talking about boats I've been on a submarine as well. It was parked up in Portsmouth Dock though. It was good fun I went with my friend who was living down there with her sailor husband. The sailors were pretty keen to help us up and down the ladders! I was about 20.
My friend and her husband have just arrived in England for a 6 month holiday from Australia where they have now settle. I spoke to them on the phone the other day and we hope to meet up before they go back.
Her husband was a Chief Petty Officer when he retired. He was in the Faulklands but will not talk about it under any circumstances. I think his ship was called The Argonaut but not certain.
Off now to write a letter or 2. See yer later gaters!
Well done jno.

Heartbeat, why do you miss when my baby kisses me

Hi Jude, you sound much better. Is Steady ok now?

I am wilting, I have never known it so hot and airless, can hardly breathe, and it's not just me, all the women at coffee say the same. The hotter and sweatier I get, my eye runs and is very irritable and sore. Still waiting for a hospital app. In the daytime even though the pool is only 3 yards away from house, it is just too hot to get there. In the evenings it is better.

Daughter is all excited about getting a new washing machine and wifi in the Dubai house, what a change from the disco openings that she used to get excited about!!!

I've eaten cheesey beans on toast with a soft boiled egg, but now delicious smells are emanating from the kitchen as Mr N cooks himself a dinner, oooh! oh damn!!

Off to the hairdresser tomorrow and to have eyebrows dyed, then off for lunch in the country.
Good morning, just cleaning the house then off to be shorn.
good morning I hab dot a code.

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