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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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I think I would rather have the pancake maker too Robinia .In fact I'd rather have a baby than have to undergo some of these camera tests .
Don't despair ..Downton's back on Sunday :)
Just to remind you ...
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Shaney your post actually made me lol for the first time today. I'm just going to ring the hospital and ask if I can have a baby instead :)
Not likely thank you!!
I would rather have a baby than almost anything, only two pains, and 25mins, no probs.

Mr N has been working today so I thought I had better made macarroni cheese for his dinner, but it was jolly hot in the kitchen. Hija has her Emirates identification card.

I hated staying in all day, so boring, although I cleaned, changed the bed, did loads of washing, fell asleep twice, swam twice, ate turkey bacon and eggs and a choccy biscuits 2 cups of tea, just until the door was dry and I HATE the colour!

Robi as they say in good old Oz, You'll be apples!!!
well, I have been to Turner and Constable exhibitions, researched some rellies at the library, done some shopping at M&S and Tescos (real-life, not on a screen) but mostly sat in front of a computer. The computer does not set my heart racing, which has to be good. I hope everyone else got to bed safely.
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Morning all..dull and chillyish, I really hope we see some brightness today, there was little sun yesterday.

Yes jno, the computer can be a welcome distraction. i hope you're both getting your health problems sorted.

"You'll be apples" neti? Does that mean wizened and bruised?
Morning all
Bright and sunny .Thick fog all the night though and the foghorn was tooting away .Hope you're all ok .
We're trekking to Lidl shortly ,pip pip for now.

Robinia, it means you're in the pink
Good morning all

Shaney thanks for that tip to that programme last night, it was super. Took me a while to find BBC4, worth it.

Still stinking hot here.

Hope you are all OK, and thinking of Robi xx

Woofy how's the cold?
Hi all. Done a big housework session including front garden and washing. The sun is shining so out the washing goes.
Been to M & S (can't resist now and again) and Sainsburys. Having a rest now then I'll start again.
Hope you're all ok and Robi it'll soon be over!
I'm not bragging I just feel I want to catch up on everything I didn't do when I was feeling off it!
Hello all, we are fine, Sis has gone. I am at the breathless and tired stage but fine, its only a cold. Just a bit of a booger of one. We have had storms here yet again so the boys are dosed and sleepy. Got to pull myself together as painter man is coming monday.
Take it easy jude
lovely day here, I walked to the chemist's, which is of course vital to my continuing existence, but to go further on to Sainsbury's I decided to take a bus. I think that's all I've done all day except sit at the computer tweaking photos.
Lol..well done Jno .We'll have you eating sdns soon :)
Lots of goodies at Lidl .Figs 20p each and Mr S was pleased to get his herrings.
It's been a lovely day here too ,very warm and sunny .
Yes ,it was a very interesting programme Neti .I loved the bit about Biba and Cilla with her mini dress .It's a three parter btw.
Sorry you're still suffering Woofy .The air is very dry here and I've had to take antihistamines the last few days ,itchy eyes and tickly throat September.. .tut.
If you feel like anymore big housework sessions Jude I'll send you the fare :)
KBO all ....have a nice evening .
Figs 20p? We pick them off the trees on the roads, deliciously tangy and sweet.
Yes Shaney Bibà always brings back memories, such happy times, but we were young so they should have Ben.
Ben, who's Ben and what's he got to with it???
Oight oight all. I'm cream-crackered so I'm in bed watching a bit of telly then going to drop off.
I think it's going to rain tomorrow so pleased I've done the garden today.
Have a good night all!

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