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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
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I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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has the rain stopped? Is the referendum over? Can I come out now?

It's Open House weekend in London so we might try to visit one or two stately hovels and see how we go. If it's all too much for our ageing hearts we can always come back home.
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Morning...glad you had a lovely day Jude, but shame about the weather. How dreary was it, very dull and dark, few spots of rain. More of the same today.

I don't think I can go through with this malarkey, I'm numb with fright, not sleeping or eating much. I'm exhausted. Rang the surgery yesterday, spoke to another woman gp & asked if there's anything I could have to take the edge off my panic but she said no and that it's my choice as to what I do, have it or not. The repeat blood test was a nbd, borderline potassium. I feel worse than foolish, I've been through some stuff, but this for me is too much. Sorry for being a miz mardyass.

Hope you're all having a brighter day.
Oh Robi you poor thing, can't say I blame you one bit. You'll change your mind a 1,000,000 times before Monday, wish there was something I could say to help but there's not. Now if I was booked in for an MRI scan, I would be on the next plane out, we all have out fears and sometimes we just cannot face them, I bolted out of the x-ray room and never did have my scan!!
Robi, that woman is stupid cow. Is there someone else you can speak to who would be more understanding? When this is over I would be complaining about the stupid cow woman. Be as brave as you can, I know its not easy.
I am not vengeful (much) but I am channeling a really unpleasant but non dangerous stomach condition and a thoughtless doctor for stupid cow woman.
oh, poor Robi. The rear-vision cameras don't bother me, the only one that had me panicking was down the throat; I had to tell the doctor (in sign language, of course) to pull it out. He was extremely cross, and he said it would only have been there a few more seconds anyway... well, why didn't you say that at the time, moron??? It's these doctors who are too important to tell you what's going on that annoy me. I hope I ruined his whole day for him.
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Thanks all...for not tutting..... You aren't, are you? :o/

Woofy, I have to admit those were my thoughts in the early dark hrs this morning. 'Hundreds have it done' she said. And I'm guessing as many don't. Seems counter productive to me, if people are relaxed they're more likely to get on with it. I wasn't asking for six months worth of elephant strength diazepam.

I remember that neti scanner job neti. Two women I spoke to yesterday have had procedures but neither will go in the scanner. We all have a coping limit.
Didn't realise it that traumatic for you jno, my friend's s-i-l has to have one and she's terrified.
I realise how lucky I was way back when I had the Hodgkins, every single dr, surgeon and consultant treated me like royalty. All this patient friendly, tell us your fears stuff is a load of crip.
Robi, how can you even think for a second that we might be tutting? Hundreds do have it done and many of those hundreds have something to assist them to stay calm. My DH's consultants, all of whom were lovely told us at different times that the docs prefer it as its MUCH easier to deal with a relaxed patient than a terrified one and also that personally they hate to feel that the procedure is causing the patient such fear, especially at such a horrible time anyway.
Have to say I think I would rather one up the rear than down the throat, but as I am in no danger of having either, I can get away with it!

OK Robi, here it is, pretend you are a gay man, nuf said!!! ;-))
I love woofy's channelling, although your channelling will not cause a dangerous complaint to said cow woman at least make it incredibly painful, from all of us!
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If I win the lotto tonight neti I'll pay for your tickets...or fly us all to one of those luxury diagnostic spas.

Woofy, her support consisted of 'phone a friend' ....and 'they'll give you sedation when you get there' . I did say Yes, I'm aware of that, but it doesn't get me through the weekend. Hey ho...what goes around.

Still dull here and it's rained a bit but not enough to do any good.
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BBC2 1.55 Profile of Maggie Smith, followed by Ladies in Lavender.
Missed the profile and the start of the film, but enjoyed it, thanks Robi. I do have it on dvd but never bother to watch it-
just looking in with more good thoughts for Robi and the JNO's
How are you feeling now woofy?
Much better than I was thanks Neti. Just dealing with the postviral knackeredness. My nice man who does for me is coming on monday to paint Sis's bedroom and the kitchen and do some jobs. Some of the jobs are putting radiator cabinets in some of the other rooms so i can't do a simple clear but have to do box and coxing. I really really do not want to empty the kitchen but needs must. Also one of my perfect new tubs has got vine weevil so I had to treat that with much cursing.
walked a mile or two at about 1mph, I suppose, interspersed with shuffling around mansions and up and down stairs, and hopping on buses (the wrong ones, unfortunately), and apart from a bit of fluttering had no trouble at all. And yet yesterday I was getting the fluttering just sitting at a computer. Lord knows if I'm sick or not, really, but I'm sure I shouldn't be getting the fluttering. I will try to walk faster tomorrow and see how my body reacts to that. Going to the mexico with a mass of conflicting and irregular symptoms won't get me anywhere.
Hello all
Just popping in to say goodnight and I'm so sorry you're feeling nervy and upset Robinia .That's so unkind and unsympathetic of the GP .
They don't exactly inspire confidence at times .
I wish I was nearer and could help you ,I'd have tutted at her big time stylee. Deep breaths and am sending you calming cosmic thoughts xx

We had a disaster today ,all the lights blew in the kitchen this morning ...big bangs and shattered spotlights .As luck would have it mybrother came in with runner beans and so he had a look at it .Turns out the dimmer switch was faulty so he replaced that for us with a normal on/off switch and of course then we had to go and buy new replacement bulbs and blah blah blah ...muddle and mess.
Glad you're feeling better Woofy and take care Jno,don't go rushing about .I saw a bit about open house in London on the news yesterday.I expect it was interesting. Apparently you could go round 10 Downing St but I think it was through a ballot .
Night all .
Wow that sounds scarey Shaney. I have been in a room when one lightbulb exploded and that was bad enough.
Jno, could you have fluttered and not felt it if you were concentrating on busses and things. My DH had extrasystole and he could usually tune it in or out. The only time he couldn't tune it out was if he couldn't sleep.
Good day folks.
Gosh Shaney how frightening, I hate modern electrics, those spotlight or halogen bulbs are awful when the go.
Robi thinking of you, wish we were all nearer to help with cuppas and cuddles.
Sounds like a good day Jno,
Hope Jude is OK, and glad woofy is on the mend, take it easy.

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