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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Thank you, you're all pals but it's too late, I ate something and didn't start the prep. Yes I'm thoroughly ashamed but I'd never felt such fear and once I'd made up my mind I almost collapsed with relief.
Enjoy Downton!
then you did the right thing Robi. Now go and talk to your own GP.
The relief of decision is wonderful. We do not blame you one bit.

Am enjoying Downtown.
Don't be daft Robinia ,you've got nothing to feel ashamed about at all.
It's your body and if you don't want to do it you don't have to .You have to do what feels right for you . I'd still have a chat to the GP though.
Downton was good ,Maggie on brilliant form as usual .
am videoing it.
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Morning all, sunny but so chilly, very autumnal.
It was lovely to have a night's sleep, nodded off watching Downton, I'll catch up, woke enough to switch the tele off and slept through til about 5.30. So that's probably as much sleep in one night as I've had all week. The clinic were so nice and said it happens. My gp isn't in until next Monday though, which is a bloomin shame. Thanks for being understanding.

Woofy, it must be a bad year for vine weevil, others round here have been finding them.
KBO all.

Morning all, I tried to post earlier when I was in a bank but didn't post.
You sound cheery Robi, good girl.
Hope the rest of you are well and happy.
Good morning all. Robi, sleeping better says to me that you made the right decision. I have got my nice DIY man in this week and have got to clear the kitchen so he can paint'll be lovely when its finished!
Hello all
Nice bright day ,bit breezy ,washing flapping .Looks set fair for the rest of the week too. Hope you're all Ok .You sound more cheerful Robinia .A good nights sleep does you good .
My brother had a couple of these procedures for his dicky tum you know and they found nowt but the symptoms persisted .As he was going for one not long ago ,he got in there and said no, he didn't want it done after all,not at his age anymore .They quite understood and discharged him .
Hopefully things will settle down for you .Sometimes I think worrying about what might be wrong makes it worse .There's a word for it but I can't remember what it is !

sunny day again, I might go out and do something life-threatening, but then what isn't these days... even just glaring at a vine weevil is risky
Just had a nasty storm, much as I love the rain, the lightning frits me summit orful cos leccy usually bangs although it didn't and Mr N is here painting the doors.
All quiet here now, TV and internet back on.

Yohoo Robi, you OK?
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Yoohoo neti, I'm very achey today but I think it's from being rigid with tension. It's lovely out in the garden but the sun only shines in certain areas once we're past mid September. I love my cherry tree but at this time of year not so much because of the shade and all the leaves. I wouldn't mind a storm as long as it didn't do any damage or break up the weather altogether.

Lol jno, are you having a go at weevil charming?
Pouring down here again, and almost chilly.
I especially love my cherry trees at this time of year because of the leaf colour. I had my big one taken out because it was hollow but have got some nice saplings growing in.Most of my trees are in pots though.
Please please have the storms where you are and don't send them here
Robi I really feel for you and understand your stress. I'm sorry in one way that you didn't go but realise you need to see your GP to help you through it if necessary. Take care x
No worries woofy, will keep them here, we need them.
HELLOOOO EVERYONE!! how are we all?

Mr N made a lovely (not too spicy) chilli con carne and baked and crisped pots, very nice but he always make a huge pot full! Hija phoned from Dubai, all seems ok, maybe just maybe this is the chance she needed. She took an exam and was the only one to get 100%, she photoed the paper. Restaurant still not open! workmen are apparently even more indolent than the spanish!!
I am glad to hear about Hija Neti, maybe you can stop worrying a bit? Kitchen has started to turn grey and is looking good, the only thing is the clean paint shows up the filthy tiles...heigh ho I need to get my scrubbing arms out.

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