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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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How they fitted the router in hija's house in Dubai.
well, walked a mile or two at ordinary pace and only felt my heart going pitapat a bit, so I don't know if I'm at risk or not, but I will ask the mexico tomorrow.

Meanwhile this comes from the independence campaign - you might have seen it already but it was new to me
oh neti, that looks like under my desk, only I don't tape things up, I just leave them on the floor as they get more dust that way
hahahahahaha Jno.
Neti what is wrong with that?...looks all good to me
just make sure hija doesn't go in for a swim, neti
Good morning, thunder and lightning all night so rain due again. Getting louder, and that ghastly heat has gone ATM!
Pouring down again.
good morning. thick thick fog here and foghorns, I love it!
Morning all
It's gradually brightening up out there .First day of autumn,I like the Google doodle thing.Hope you're all ok .
Sun's out am sweating again. :-(
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Morning all...the google doodle's good today.
sending neti some cool air, sunny but so chilly here, only just into double figures, a real feel of 5C earlier.

I hate all the plugs and cables in the corners, I spent ages one afternoon last week trying to tidy some up but it was impossible...and yes, they're dust gatherers.
Robi, if they're placed properly they will draw in the dust from the rest of the room. This is to to with the Twelfth Law of Thermodynamics and psychic attraction and has been proved by a survey on YouGov.

Good mexico has flu so I had to see bad mexico. He has given me some new pills to take instead of the old pills. I thought the old pills were doing well, reducing BP and stopping my ankles swelling - but now I think about it, they've also coincided with me getting palpitations. So maybe he's onto something.
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aahh, right jno, I'll leave them to get on with their job then...cable corners also make good homes for spiders and dead woodlice.

Don't you just dread bad mexicos. I have it on good authority that the problem is a national shortage...far fewer are going into training, the older ones are retiring, often early, the young ones move abroad and some of the imported ones only learn enough English to do a basic service but behind closed doors carry on as if back home. That said, it's sometimes the new face who sees a different picture.

where did the sun go?

oh it's down here, Robinia, spreading a light chill around.
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It's ok, it's back out. I'll see if I can find a few square inches to sit in but it might mean climbing on the top of a privet hedge.
We have got sun but its chilly, a a proper beautiful autumn day. I too think that bad mexico may have a point. My doc is young enough to be my daughter and not my eldest daughter but she is lovely.
It must be the after effect of the cold but i could sleep for England. Two days running I have let nice man in, made him tea, sat down with dogs and then slept for hours, two hours yesterday and three today. I don't decide to sleep I just close my eyes and that's that.
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I go out, the sun goes in. I'm starting to take it personally.
I came in and pushed the vac round downstairs, but I didn't do the corners. :)

If you need to sleep and you can then do it woofy. We'll bang on a tray if you're away too long.
Hello everybody. I'm home now. It's The Rams v Reading tonight. So I'm going to be a bit busy. Then tomorrow I'll have to get my week sorted out so I'll be catching up then. Have a good night!
Hope you're all ok.
Well it's not been too bad here and I followed you around with the vacuum cleaner Robinia .I'm pooped .
I'm going out for the day tomorrow ,not on a boat though ,we're going to a butterfly sanctuary .Should be good .
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Yoohoo Ju....... Oh, she's gone.

How lovely shaney, it'll be nice and peaceful. Mind none of them get caught up in your hairnet. :)

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