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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
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I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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the comic bowler hat I'm wearing would do that to anyone, probably even Phyllis Diller.
Absolutely brilliant Jno :)
I'm back from my magical mystery round Norfolk .The butterfly and bird sanctuary had closed down so we ended up at the workhouse !
I've been there before but it's well worth a second visit .Very sad really to see how poor people were treated back then but they have interesting collections of other things too .Had a nice lunch in what was once the Itch Wing ,where people with suspicious rashes etc were isolated .
Few piccies
now that's a change of plan, shaney. Actually, the things in the photos look quite civilised, but perhaps those were the non-workhouse displays? No treadmills, no oakum picking, no Mr Bumble.
now here's just the thing for all hypochondriacs

Rather slow to load, but you just click on the orange tag, put in your symptoms, and it tells you everything you've got.

Unfortunately, considering the list of illnesses it warns me about, I'm not going to live long enough to get the motor neurone disease.
Yes those were pics were mainly from the collections Jno .
The dungeon where a 14 year old boy was kept on bread and water for a week in the dark for some piffling misdeamour was too dark to photograph Apparently it wasn't too bad when it opened in 1775 but after the Poor Law Amendent Act it changed drastically and people were segregated and treated abominably .
If you are ever in this neck of the woods it's well worth seeing .
Love the photo jno, Mr N avoids those booths like the plague at weddings, which means I also have too.
Shaney loved your photos, the first one of the sitting room, was so nice, where was that, with a TV?
I just assumed shaney accidentally uploaded a photo of her parlour.
interesting photos Shaney. My Nan had a mangle like that and that schoolroom looked like my primary school, seriously. The lounge looks like my aunts front room which our family thought was terribly posh but it was always cold as it was hardly ever used and us children had to be so careful in there....I remember a shop like that too. Does that mean I am historical?
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Hey, what are you doing with that picture of my front room shaney?!
Haha, I'm with woofy, lots of them look familiar to me, my first school was like that too. Lovely pics, I'm glad you had a good day despite the change of plan.

Thanks for your pic too jno, lol...I hope that's what you'll be wearing to go tesco from now on, they'll be queuing up to serve you.
I'm not sure the symptoms checker can fathom me out...all I got was a message saying take ibuprofen and monitor the situation.

I was standing in the garden before it got dark, lovely clear sky, and I saw housemartins zooming round. I thought they'd gone.
Haha was one of the cottages done out in 50's style .
This was the kitchen

The symptoms checker has decided I'm a medical mystery..and If I don't fall into bed pdq I'll be medical history at this rate :)
Goodnight lovelies ,sleep tight.
oight oight all
wakey wakey, and here with your porridge is the aboriginal version of Zorba (not very HD, sorry)
that is completely surreal. They look like marionettes. Good morning all.
Morning all
Lol...perhaps I should give that a go .Might loosen up my joints .
Very chilly here this morning .
Good day to you all.

Sunny, now cloudy with spots of rain, but I have taken the plunge and washed our bedding, it is hanging under the patio roof. Am also boil washing hija's sheets from Barca, doubt they've been washed in yonks. Will hang them in the laundry room.

We had a couple of tornados here yesterday afternoon, and huge gusts of wind, some poor person's Macbook was blown from their desk and smashed! Another couple were parsailing and got blown onto a hotel roof, luckily no one was injured too badly.

I cannot see that youtube thingy jno, says adobe crashed.
Morning all . Shaney that's an interesting place. My Mum had a mangle like that and the kitchen looks very much like ours.
I'd frighten myself to death putting my symptoms on that site Jno.
Been busy gardening today. Back grass abd cutting a bush back in the front. No idea what it is called but it has very small leaves and gets covered in red berries. Off to Sainsburys after my lunch. See yer later gaters!

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Good afternoon, bloomin windy and cold today.
I wish I could vibrate like the video dancers :)

I've had a sorting day, how long does it take to go through paperwork? Had enough now, if I just did half an hr or so every week it wouldn't get so bad.

Jude could your shrub be a cotoneaster?

Love that kitchen shaney...I wonder if they know they've left the fridge door ajar? That peg rug' s going to be sodden. :)

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Hahaha...vibrate? Bloomin predictive text! .....girate!!!!

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