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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Lol..I may wear my tiara ,the glitter might attract them :)
I was so pleased when my bro rang . I can do with a day out .
I'll take my camera and hopefully get some good pictures as long as they don't flutterby too quickly .
hello all, the newly painted kitchen looks lovely. The big sort out starts tomorrow once the gloss is dry. I am still sleepy. Between us we have just shared a giant plateful of cod roe and chips from the chippy. It was divine.
I have just tested the heater i use in the shed for the tortoises before they hibernate but when the nights get nippy. The thermostat is iffy and the bulb holder is getting hot so I have just lashed out for a new heater thermostat, bulb holder and ceramic bulb. Its a good job I don't have pretensions of grandeur, I couldn't afford it.
Have lovely days out tomorrow and I hope that you all get the weather that you want.
Rain and sun on and off. Cleaned my windows (they are under a patio) ironed big lounge curtains, hung them, put up nets on front door to stop people looking in when coming up the path, mind you it's a jolly long path, but I like it. Cleaned and did some more sewing, made chips to go with Mr N's left over chili. Been advertising him on internet and he had to go and give na estimate tomorrow, he is such a technophobe that he is losing work cos it's all on the net. Off to watch EE bye for now xx
Oh woofy you do love your animals don't you , so kind.

Mr N is painting hija's walk-in wardrobe tomorrow as it's old rock and mud and had got damp marks.
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Some disgustingly busy people in here.

I thought the passing traffic sounded loud, I just looked out to see it's obviously been piddling down for some time. I didn't see any forecast, the garden needs a good freshen up.
Sky vanished all afternoon - the broadband provider, not the blue thing overhead - so I just fell into a coma for hours until it returned.
Morning all
Not too bright out there atm ,bit drizzly .Should brighten up later though.
Hope you're all Ok .
Have a good day all .Pip Pip for now.
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Morning're off to an early start shaney, will the butterflies be awake? Have a lovely day.

I've just fetched a cuppa and I'm watching the news in bed. I had a poor night, only slept till about 3 and that was it, I couldn't stop my mind racing. I think next door woke me up, one of them has a cough.
Looks very wet and grey out there.
Good morning all, bit grey and drizzley here. Up early for painting man again. Its lovely to have someone do it but the older I get the harder it is to be up showered and ready to let him in at eight. Heigh ho I should not complain.
took ages to get to sleep as my feet were so cold, I ended up having to put bed socks on (ie ordinary socks but in bed). Grumbling tum all night, hip started playing up... I must have fallen off eventually, as I see it's nearly lunchtime
Good morning all. Back to normal now. Dr. Says all ok now after my bug. He said anything else I know where he is.
Jno I have to wear socks all year round in bed.I have poor circulation or something.
Have a good day Shaney. Hope the weather is ok. It's bright and breezy here and my washing is blowing nicely and another load in the washer.
Waiting for a parcel to come. It's a phone case. Another birthday present. Lucky me!
Then off to town to take a faulty charger back to the Apple Shop. They have to send it back before I can have another one and I have to take my ipad as well so they can see the number on it. Crazeeeee!
Have a good day. And if you're not feeling well I hope you do soon.
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Oh dear, shall we form a sleepwalking conga? It's sunny and breezy out and considerably milder again.
Why do I always get stuck behind a faffer in the PO? And no, she wasn't old, they seem to know exactly what they want. It's just as well I'm too tired to tut.
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Oh you snuck in there Jude. I'm pleased you're feeling better...but we knew you were. Can you ask Adrian to pop in and see me please? You know where I live :)
Shughy had a pacing night and now he's having a pacing day, no idea why. He's just settled down. Everytime I move he wakes and starts again so I guess I won't et much done today which suits me fine
Good morning my what early birds!

I sleep very well, in fact I oversleep now. Mr N has painted damp protecting paint on wardrobe, my lord, there is so much stuff piled up in the room, shall have to chuck some away!

I nipped to village for coffee with gbf and others, traffic is dreadful as is the famous hippie market day in net village and the cars and buses are streaming in especially as it is raining! But sun is out again now for a while.
Wow the post office (correos) has actually delivered a 30 kilo box (hija's belongings from Barca) to my house, never ever been known before, I was only today planning on how to get it home from the PO, now no need.
Hi Robi messaged received and understood. I'll prob be seeing him again soon knowing me!
Off to town now. Laters gaters!
I have distributed an unflattering wedding photo to email inboxes around the world
love it Jno, you look very suave

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