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Robinia | 15:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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My defunct pond pump has just been collected. Now waiting for a van from the same courier firm to deliver the new one. The bloke who collected my old one was as puzzled as I am.
Afternoon all and sundry. Hot or what!!

Mr N has disappeared as I was just so fed up with having him under my feet, I need time to myself, so I took off for a coffee and a wealk and when I came home he's taken the car for a ride. I worry about him as he used to suffer from depression, and this no working must be getting him down.
Oh dear Neti, I hope he gets work soon. Is it usually quiet workwise now?
The new pump has arrived and is installed and lovely. I wonder if the young are taught to wire a plug now? Most things you but have a plug moulded on but the leads on this pump (it has two, one for a light) were plugless. Its years and years since I had to do it, glad I could remember how.
I can rewire both UK and Spanish plugs.
He's back now been doing the shopping but nothing I need!
Yes he usually takes August off but that's when he's had work all year and more booked but ATM he has to take any little thing.
I have to be nicer, it's not his fault, but there was always golf every afternoon for 38yrs and I liked having the time to myself.
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I don't think I could share every day with someone else although I could do with a cuppa right now. I've been snipping at the end of the garden and a pretty young grey cat has kept me company, so I chatted to him, less trouble than a man. He thought it was a great wheeze to climb up the old sprawling bubble gum tree (buddleia) so he could look me in the face and he didn't seem to traumatised by that. :)
I don't mind Mr S being at home all the time .We don't live in each others pockets , he knows not to speak to me until I've had my morning
He does get on my clack sometimes though with his fridge and pantry management!
I let a lot go in one ear and out the other. I must say he is good though since my ologies have got worse and does a lot for me .You have to give and take and jog along .
Not a glimmer of sun here all day , gloomy and a bit chilly .
I am sitting here with a glass of pink champagne. There is no reason for this except that I can. The pump is running and I am now looking for a spouting something or other to go on the side of the pond. There is roast chicken for tea with sweet potato chips and stuffing with chestnuts in.
a pump producing pink champagne, that sounds soooo useful. Went to see the tall ships and the sky was flat grey as it always is when there are tall ships around (remember the jubilee), but they looked lovely. They were taking trippers a few miles up and down the Thames between Greenwich and Woolwich, I think. There was supposed to be a parade of Thames barges, and I counted four of them, so that's a grand turnout.
ha ha Jno, that would be a neat trick. Dinner was delicious and I am now eating sweet shrimps.
My curries turned out ok, but I am again, sick of prawns, just going to eat them cold with soy sauce next cos that's how I like them.
Mr N yes, he does try to be accomodating to me, but after years of him being the boss, and hija and I amusing ourselves, I find this all very strange. He looks at me in the mornings and I feel bad cos there is nowhere for him to go, it is a small villa, all rooms leading off the main entrance lounge, I won't let him lay on the new bedding. I will adjust eventually which I think is a very sad indictment of my lifre!!
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where did my last night's post go? tut

Morning all, very dark and grey here today, I may as well have stayed in bed. Had a lousy night, couldn't stop itching, then I had a 'vehicle reversing' in my right ear. I thing today will be a lolling one.

I haven't had champers for years, I'm on the hard stuff at the moment...metatone. I thought it might give me a boost, it's supposed to aid digestion. Maybe I could do with some B vitamins, a doc told me years ago to take them as I don't eat a lot of meat.
I love cold prawns but not keen in hot things. I've never had soy sauce on them but I think it's one to try, sounds lovely.
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btw, I hope the honeymooners are ok and have a safe journey home, whenever that is.
hello all, we all ate too much last night then fell into bed and slept the sleep of the full up with chicken. I might garden today.
the minimooners are back home and were at work yesterday, thank you; all is well. jno jnr is overseeing something up in Birmingham now, I think.
Hello all
Think I would have been better off staying bed too. I don't know where to put myself today , flareupitis .Cool and dull here , drizzle .
Not a very nice day for the Maritme Festival
The Minerva coming up the river.
Hope that works , never done c&p on tablet before.

Good news Jno. I hope the disruption didn't spoil their holiday too much.
I've actually done something in the house today apart from eat a little and sleep.
Robi I still feel lifeless but I think a lot of it now is because I feel quite 'low' so I thought I had to do something and I looked at my back bedroom and I decided...... I've ripped off all the horrible coving round the ceiling and didn't stop until it was all off. I am now getting in the mood to get it finished. All I need now is a man to get it all prepared for decorating. Smoothed down, holes filled etc. and finally a decorator to paper and paint! So a few phone calls are called for now.
Bro has got himself a part-time morning job so he won't be up here in the foreseeable future! So telephone book here I come. At least that's a sitting down job.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I'd definitely feel bette this weekend than the last 2.
Laters gaters!
Sorry Shaney we crossed posts. Hope you Feel better soon! What a lot we are! The photo of Gorleston reminds me when I last was there. I was 20 and with my parents and Fuschia and her family. A very long time ago.
Glad the newlyweds are back safe and sound.

All going on here, the rumours are that the Guardia beat a brit to death, but in all my years here, they have never beaten anyone to death, he was out of his head running around with a broken leg and screaming that someone was going to knife him, and they restrained him and he was attended by paramedics but died of heart attack and all the stupid Brits who love to sensationalise everyhting, are causing trouble, why not just wait for justice to be done, some have it filmed on phones, so they should take it to someone they can trust, ie Brit consul or somewhere if they do not trust the police here. Then an italian tourist was a passenger in a car and had his arm out of the window and they hit a barrier and it cleran chopped his arm off, there's photos of it laying there (I thought it was a by the barrier), then we have the Grand Prix of boat thingies, sort of racing boats which all the do gooders are up in arms as it will disturb the fish. I give up.

Have made some lilac pillowcases for the bed, must admit although the machine works well, I am bit of a cobbler upper!!
Hello all, have been gardening today, chopped the lawn down and did some watering, next step is to tidy garage...oh well here I go.....

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