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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
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I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Not long had a nice soak myself ,hoping it will ease my stomach .I've got the gripes .Typical .
We had planned to go to Southwold tomorrow before the weather breaks but I'm not going there not knowing where I can dash if need be!
I'm glad you feel better Woofy .

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Morning all...dull but very breezy. I don't really feel like faffing with washing, my leaf sweeping made me ache like merry hell yesterday, but it looks like the best day for the forseeable so the machine's full. It's very noisy :(

That's a shame shaney, ain't it always the way? I don't seem to be able to plan anything any more. Hope you (and everyone else) feel better today.

Neti, do you enjoy your bath THIS much? Bless :)
Morning all
Lovely day .
Lol...I love that Robinia . What a laid back pooch .
Hope you're all ok this morning .My insides are still grumbling and I ache like billy oh so I'm glad we decided not to go out .
good morning all. We had a real peasouper of a start to the day today but its a pleasant day here now. We are having a gentle start to the day.
Laptop still beggaring about so am on phablet. Sunny sweti day. At last I have an app for oculist in hospital next Tues evening. Stupid laptop been looking for updates for the last 2. Hrs and still looking. Fed up. Got new (2nd hand) spin drier from a friend who is leaving. You can't get them here so now I have 2!!
have just about got Sis' bedroom back together apart from the bedding and curtains that need ironing. Progress!

sorry am not redoing all that.

Just skyped my bro in Canada it is lovely, and so much better on this laptop, in was in real time, now I understand why people like it so much.

Eye is weeping like crazy. Do you know when I stopped the statins the eye stopped it's nonsense but now I'm back on them again it's weeping. Or could be cos it has been rainy and chilly for a while and now it's hot again!
Robi what a lovely clip, I don't believe it !! When I was a maid here, I had to bath a terrier, well honestly, I had to strip down to bra and pants, and there was wáter and foam everywhere. I was drenched.Wish I could wash Mousey like that.

Anyone heard from Lottie, is she OK?
I've never had a dog who would do that either. The first thought that popped into my head was how much rinsing using that amount of shampoo is going to need. I have done hard physical labour today for the first time in ages. I am tired but its a good tired.
That dog is so good .The one and only time I bathed Shaney was a nightmare,especially when he jumped out of the bath and bolted downstairs shaking himself as he went .He always went to the groomer after that.
Mickey was only a small dog so he was easy to bath and quite enjoyed it .
It's been a lovely day here .My gripes have eased off thanks to peppermint tea .
That's strange with your eye Neti .Hopefully they can find out what's wrong at the occulist.
Skype is great .I Skype with the germans and my SiL in Oz .
Just made spag bol, but cooked the bol in the oven on low for ages, it was really nice, instead of the quick hob job I usually do!

Am sweltering here, eye running like mad, one nostril locked, oh what a mess.
that sounds like your sinus Neti....mexico again.
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Morning all...oh joy, it's dark, raining and (depending on which forecast you choose) not due to clear until 2pm or much later.
I spent most of yesterday doing a poor impression of a laundry maid, I didn't half ache, I could have done with a bath and a massage...but not outside in the back yard. I love that clip too & the way the other dog looks eager for his turn in the tub. Charlie liked a bath but Mac hated it.

Hope your insides are calm shaney..and yes, sounds like sinus to me too neti. do you have allergies?
I swear most of my problems are fibro/muscular. Your intestines are muscles aren't they?

I don't suppose any of you know how long Boots 3 for 2 on skincare is going on for? I don't want to miss out & i've got some good coupons but only for instore.

Morning all
The sun's out atm here but I don't think it's gonna last !
Yes I'm convinced all these things come together to make you feel like sh-te Robinia .I've noticed that as soon as I get a flare up the IBS kicks in as well for a double whammy .
I don't know about Boots ...does it say on the coupons ?
yes your intestines are muscles and yes they get cramp and other stuff like that that other muscles get. its doing a proper autumn mini gale here. shught started pacing at 05.30 i am going to rent him to the met office, he is way better than theire forecasts
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shaney, they're the ones where you get x amount of points/extra points when you spend over certain amounts and some of those run for quite a time. It's the actual offer I'd like to know about, it means going to a larger store than our local one and I want the best of all worlds in one go, 3 for 2, double points, extra points etc fact I'd like them to pay me to shop there. :)
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oooh, I didn't think it would be that easy to ring them, I got the actual store and a human's on for another 3 weeks, so that will give me chance to get there.
Guess who's pleased she got all her washing done in the last 2 days. It's schything down here. I was supposed to be going to see my niece play football but no go! I still have The Rams to see later. Baileys coffee and umbrella at the ready.
Lovely clip of the dog being bathed. Our Shep wasn't too bad if I kept the bathroom door shut. Then he was only a small collie cross. I would love a little dog but it wouldn't be fair to it with me being out a lot of the time. Woofy I love the photos of your dogs, brilliant!
Hope your eyes get better Neti. I have dry eyes a lot and have a regular script for drops which I use a lot. Day and night but I don't tell many people. But now it's world wide in it!
Hope your rum (tum) is on the mend too Shaney. I get a slight pain in my left side which tells me by colitis may just be coming on but I use it as a sign to change what I eat to something that doesn't irritate it. I leave out tomato and potato skins. Stick to mash and broccoli and 'Smoother' food if you get.
Right - time to go and get some lunch and then I off out. I hope this post goes on ok as it's the secon time I've written it.
One last thing. Neti - Steady is recording another Richard Thompson song and it sounds good. He says he's not putting it on his link until he's practiced some more.

Laters gaters!

Morning all, bright and sunny here, done shopping and brekkie.

Shaney I was reading about Coeliac disease yesterday and it's very like IBS!

This laptop is driving me CRAZY!! Just can't get it all back to what I want, and Windows 8 is 'orrible.

Woofy, have App at hospital to see eye doctor on Tuesday evening so hopefully he'll find out what is wrong!
Jude. how is Steady now? Lookinging forward tohearing the new song, link it to me when he's done it, ta!

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