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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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problems Jude?
Oh well we made it for our bogoff meal
I wish I had taken my camera .It must be birds week .There was a stand in the market for Norfolk wild life and they had birds of prey .A beautiful great grey owl,other owls a hawk and a kestrel .Beautiful birds.
its hot and grey here. We aren't doing much.
Hello all. Raining here again!

Shaney my sister lived in Colliers Wood so maybe that was where Dad and I were walking.
Climbed into the top of my wardrobe and sorted a few things. Cleaned some kitchen shelves and walls.
Changed my phablet's browser to Firefox, seems OK.
Isint the internet strange? Whatever and how strange a thing that I google, it then comes on on these pages, I just hope you don't all see them!!
Bad cough you got there woofy, thanks, just installed it!!
Neti :)
Lol..Neti ...we can't see that you've been Googling matching pegs and Baz CD's .I've got a cough too .
Bake Off was good .Sad to see Chetna go ,she's a nice girl .My money's on Richard to win.
Nite all ..sleep toight.
morning all, its cool and grey here and the dogs are asleep. I might get some jobs done today....then again....
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Good wateveritis... very dull but so still, no doubt it's the lull before the wild weather arrives at the weekend.
I'm very tired, didn't have a good night, not because I was wound up or worried, I just couldn't get off to sleep. I think my body's got into a bad routine and the darkness doesn't help.... hey ho...I've been gathering up some leaves while they're dry and young smokey cat kept pouncing on my brush, haha. I think he must be pushed out all day and gets bored.
I'm envious of your birds of prey encounter shaney. There's an owl place not far from here but it's very expensive.

My ads at the moment are Knitting patterns...Get your credit score...and Weight loss! Eh?!! :)
Good morning all. Sorry Woofy no real problems. Just annoyed at the laws of the land that day!

Back to normal today. Been for a circular walk round the area and treated myself to a bar of choc to eat on the way. Putting my birthday bulbs in later. Have to think where as they are dwarf/mini Spring flowering plus some normal irises.
Have to sort my bedroom decorating as well. My decorator has been in hospital but ok now but busy so I'm on his list. Bro is busy working too and as you know lives down South so won't be able to fit me in.
Spoke to Steady today and he's learning another song to sing on his YouTube site. It's called Walking on a Wire and he's been giving me a 'hearing' while we were on the phone would you believe. Have to say it sounds good but then I'm biased aren't it!
Off now to put my gardening shoes on. Laters gaters!
PS:- Robi I couldn't sleep either last night either was sudokuing for a while watching crip on telly then fell asleep about 4 and didn't wake up til 8.30 which is unusual for me. Hope you're ok now.
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Jude 'circular walk' made me that the same as going in circles which I seem to do quite often?...Yes I looked at the clock at 4am too but only slept til 7.30.
My gladiolas grew but they haven't flowered...must have been duff bulbs, it couldn't possibly be my fault, tut. :)
Hello all
Lovely day here .Hope you're all ok .
Yes I was annoyed I didn't have my camera yesterday Robinia ,but I never thought I would meet birds of prey in the market ! I may trot up there next week ,they might be there again .
Just popping in. Sunny day loafs of washing band cleaning done. Then called Spanish Sony to sort out slow computer and they beggared it. Just sorting t now. Lost everything, and back to AWFUL win 8. Trying to sort it now.
Just got his re installed on laptop, but there's so much missing, I hate Sony!!
Damn and blast! I've changed my browser to Firefox from IE, but IE keeps coming up, and I cannot download Windows 8.1.
hello all, today I have done stuff, been out shopping and cooked a proper dinner. I begin to feel as though the virus is finally being beaten. I hope that you are all feeling well. Neti I hope you get the computer sorted.
Yes woofy you also sound much more energetic, and no, it is driving me mad, I went through all this win 8 nonsense 2 years ago, can't face much more.

I made liver, bacon, onions and toms, mash, peas and carrots, and much as I dislike liver I actually enjoyed it tonight, but no more for a few months.

Just had a nice bath and washed hair, as although quite warm in the daytime, it's nice in the evenings, I love baths.

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