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Windows 10 - Is It For Me ??

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david245 | 00:09 Fri 25th Dec 2015 | Technology
35 Answers
I keep getting emails urging me to update from Win 8 to Win 10. My PC is used mainly for general internet activity, as well as storage of photo's and videos. I'm quite happy to continue using 8, but my question is ......... is it beneficial for a user like me to upgrade, and would I have to learn a lot of new stuff.


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Much as I hate Microsoft Windows 10 addresses many problems. Upgrade while it is free, unless you fancy going LINUX.

PS I have spent the last 30 years of my life in IT, so I do know what I am talking about.
>>Upgrade while it is free, unless you fancy going LINUX.

What on earth has that got to do with it.

This user is on Windows and is asking if they should upgrade to another version of Windows.

Most non-technical computers users have no idea what Linux is, where to get it from, how to install it, why they need it.

If this user is on Windows 8 and is fairly happy with it then they can stay on W8, why should they even consider going to linux.

It is like a person with a Ford Fiesta asking if they should upgrade to a Ford Focus and suggesting they buy a motorbike instead.

p.s., I have worked in IT for 30 years and also know what I am talking about. I can remember people pushing Linux 15 years ago, then 10 years ago, and they user base has hardly risen in that time.

Er I said 'unless you fancy going to LINUX' Just what is wrong with giving people a choice - unless you work for Microsoft.

I actually advised going to Win10.

Dont be such a dick
I hated 8, and found 8.1 a bit better.

However 10 is better again, so I would advise you to upgrade.
It's only a free upgrade for a limited time. There will come a point where you'll have no choice but to pay if you want it. You are given the option (well I was) of going back.
My opinion is still to leave it until late Spring.
I upgraded and hate it. Too late to change it back to 8.1 now.

I go along with the old Maxim..........If it aint broke, don't fix it.

Might be worthwhile reading the following thread.

I'm intrigued by divebuddy's comment "you may as well wait a bit until (hopefully) all the bugs in Windows 10 have been eliminated".
I had the priviledge of working for a VERY eminent computer scientist in 1984, the last year of his working life). I remember his comment "When you've removed 90% of the bugs form a program, only 50% remain. Anyone who has worked in programming will know how true this is.
They haven't removed all the bugs from Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 etc yet, what makes you think Windows 10 will ever be bug-free?
more complete crap from Bill and melinda Gates

doesnt do anything the older versions dont do

and all the older progz you know and love are intentionally inncompatible ditto the things like printers

another dog from microsoft
10 is better than 8. Upgrade whilst it is free.
Im on Win 10, No problem, it takes a day or two to used to but not that much difference, all things considered.
Yes Peter, I agree. I lost an old but perfectly good laserjet printer when I went from Windows XP to Vista because the drivers weren't available from HP; I've also had to upgrade some software as new computers have come with newer versions of Windows.
Stick with what you've got.
If your happy with W8 then stay there. The free upgrade will still be available for some months to come. If you want to change to W10 then make sure all your peripherals have W10 drivers from manufacturers support site.

I upgraded from W7 to W10 quite painlessly.
I love W10 .
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I'm a little confused when people say 'You will have to update eventually' does that mean that if I don't upgrade from my windows 7 eventually my laptop won't work? I am perfectly happy with windows 7 and will no doubt have windows 10 pre installed when I buy another laptop but I intend to use this one for as long as possible as there is nothing wrong with it for the usage it gets.
You don't have to upgrade to W10 if you don't want to but after June 2016 you will have to pay if you change your mind.
Windows 10 was launched 29 July 2015 and upgrades are free for 1 year. Upgrading is not compulsory but eventually as with Windows XP they will stop supporting Win 8 and no further updates will be available.
You just have to decide whether you want to carry on with something that will become out of date, or to go to the date they give up on it and pay the going price on that date, or transfer to it during the free period.
I am going with the last option but hubby who is a Microsoft beta tester keeps trying to pressure me now, he thinks it is marvellous but I am a bit of a Luddite.

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