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Anyone Else Wish Ab Returned To How It Was Before?

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thesshhh | 15:21 Sat 04th Feb 2017 | Technology
144 Answers
friend of mine, who's a long-term user of AB, says he prefers it how it was. His biggest problem now is it no longer works on his iPad. Is he alone in that or is he missing something?


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I see two latest posts boxes, jo.
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Agree word-for-word with pasta...too big, too much scrolling required and "categories" was easier on the left.
I don't frequent as often now....
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Was just about to suggest that jordy
Are you on an iPad, hc?
most categories are now ... out of sight out of mind.
AB always worked fine on iPad, but the new version is far snappier.

IPad Air 2, iOS10.2
Thanks, Talbot :)

///can we have a referendum///

Good grief, a Scot wanting a Referendum, whatever next?
I still have a few niggles, most have been mentioned.

Having to hunt out a category is a nuisance and yes, still too much scrolling to get to anywhere.

It's gradually settling on my desktop, ipad I'll deal with as and when.

Note sure a vote will be forthcoming or indeed why moderators who are AB members should be excluded from one if there was a vote.

This is the only way I can see what I am writing, that is to say on the 18th line down. I have yet to see, or have explained why these changes were necessary.
What another referendum that the powers that be wouldn't take any notice off - well at least not without dragging their heels
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Most internet usage these days is not on a desktop. For AB to be a viable site going in the future, it had to improve its mobile use-ability.

The publishers of the site do not want to maintain 3 versions of AB (desktop, phone, tablet) so they have built a Responsive website, that is one site that automatically adapts to the user no matter what device they have.

The gamble is they may lose old users who do not like the change, but they will pick up more mobile users because of the improvement there.
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But they want a second referendum 'cos the first was was wrong!
it just was so!!!!
I'm happy to go along & get used to it, however I agree with others that the original seemed easier to operate. Not being too techie myself can I ask if it would be possible to select old or new version on startup ?
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I prefer the old version. Too much scrolling down and too much faffing about to get back to latest posts. Far too big.

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