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Anyone Else Wish Ab Returned To How It Was Before?

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thesshhh | 15:21 Sat 04th Feb 2017 | Technology
144 Answers
friend of mine, who's a long-term user of AB, says he prefers it how it was. His biggest problem now is it no longer works on his iPad. Is he alone in that or is he missing something?


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Thanks Zacs and Mamya- I'm stuck with it then :-(
Another non fan here too.

Tried to get used to it, but I'm still not keen on this new layout.

Will I get used to it? yeah no doubt I will eventually, but at the moment it still all feels too "clunky"

I prefer the old layout for many of the reasons already mentioned.
I'm on a Samsung galaxy tab s2,and I can't find any means of reducing the font...on my settings I'm on the default-small.
Change text size on iPad.

Settings > General > Accessibility > Large text
I'm also trying to get used to it but putting up with something isn't the same as enjoying it. My biggest bug bears are:
Minuscule size of name of poster vs huge question answers.
Why isn't the search box next to ask a question box?
Why are there adverts between answers when the right hand side of the screen is empty?
Gromit, that just makes it bigger, not smaller.
I'm on a Kindle ..
Don't like it at all. The View All Categories drop down menu is amateurish and very poorly laid out. I liked to systematically view the posts by opening each of the categories from top to bottom or vice versa, so I knew what I'd looked at. I defy anyone to try doing this in that horrendous list in the View All Categories box. Do we really need sub-categories already open for us? We could manage quite well previously.

I'm on a 17" HP Lappy, running Zoom @ 50% for AB, it's not bad at all.
With the old layout, you could view the entire page at a glance, it's now dissected up in to parts, you need to scroll to certain areas to see something you want to read.
Getting more used to it but don't really like it other than it doesn't freeze as much, Doubt I will come on here as much unless I have something to say or ask. I used to spend a lot of time just browsing random questions and answers.
Now the problem with IE has been resolved it’s fine – apart from the kerfuffle to view individual categories which I think discourages interest. They were much easier to access when they were listed clearly down the left-hand side. I used to click on them randomly to see what was going on in any particular topic but now I tend to stick to just a few. Anything else is too much effort. As I said before, AB needs to advertise its wares – not hide them.
Gromit - iPad 4 previously using Safari now using an unmentionable browser so that I stop seeing Expedia ad, lates ios.
mamya; How do we post links to youtubes, previously there was a special box which has gone. Twice I have entered the link in the text/answer box and only a black squares - nothing, nada.
Your night song seems to be working I see.
Khandro, are you posting the link from the address bar at the top of the screen? Works for me on an iPad.
Yes...but I suppose one will have to get used to it
I much prefer this new version I can't see what all the fuss is about well done whoever did this well designed update

As said, videos go in the answer box.

We still get some failures, I have had two this week at least.
Khandro, it's a bit hit and miss at the moment :(

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