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Anyone Else Wish Ab Returned To How It Was Before?

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thesshhh | 15:21 Sat 04th Feb 2017 | Technology
144 Answers
friend of mine, who's a long-term user of AB, says he prefers it how it was. His biggest problem now is it no longer works on his iPad. Is he alone in that or is he missing something?


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Jordy, I doubt you know the mind set of all the Moderators and to single one out is unfair in my opinion.

Things change and we then have choices, I'm sure it will settle down.
Agree 100% with cashier
jordy, as this is a free site AnswerBank's loyalties are firstly to its paying customers - the advertisers.
The layout has changed but the content is just the same. The ABers are still here and you have proved you can post questions and reply to them on this new site.
cashier, just click the little house icon at the top of the page to see the latest posts.
I was one of the ABers to have been given the opportunity to test the new site in its Beta set-up. In fact I thought it was going to be really good when given an Alpha status. However, I am getting second thoughts on matters. Consequently, I am somewhat biting my tongue for the moment.

Nevertheless, I will say that the font size is overbearing on my Desktop and the old format was better with Categories listed on the left hand side.

Incidentally, am I right in thinking that Questioners are Not automatically 'Subscribed' to the thread which they have started.

I prefer the original design.

I mainly use the ipad.

I'm sick of seeing the massive Expedia banner ad - so much so that I've been naughty and changed browser to one with the unmentionable in it purely for AB - so far it seems faster than when using Safari.
Not bad now I've got used to it, but as a previous poster said, much preferred the way categories were always available, without having to click on a button to reach them.

It is not about loyalty. It is about building the site.

AB have been terribly slow as it is adapting to the smartphone which arrived 10 years ago. Ideally, these changes should have been done then.

Going back to the old site is not really an option.
If you're using a desktop or laptop then most of the categories are constantly visible at the bottom of every page
I never had any problems with the old site on my ipad
I think a font size somewhere between this,and the old style would be a good compromise. That and less "white space" on the pages might make AB a bit more user friendly.
At least previously I could make things bigger...if I wanted I still can ( overkill??),but I can't make anything smaller. A question heading in 24pt type is a bit much on a tablet.
A lot of complaints about the font size.I have reduced my zoom to 75% and it is ok.

Which iPad.
Which OS version
Which Browser.

On mine, it is much better.
Does anybody know how to reduce print size on an iPad please?

"Going back to the old site is not really an option."

You are probably correct, so there is little point in further discussions.
And what if you can't reduce your zoom...what choice is there?
Margo, unfortunately you can't reduce the size of text on an I pad.
Margo - for iOS 7 and above...
Oh , you can't?

Pasta, I only know how it works on my laptop, but presume it can be reduced on other models.

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