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Error 5 Running Command

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mpom1900 | 19:20 Wed 18th Jul 2018 | Technology
7 Answers
Hi to all,
I have downloaded a .zip type file that I can't open or extract from using WinZIP 17.0... The error message: 'Error 5 running command' error. No problem accessing the other .zip files though. 
Can anyone advise me of a solution to this. Many Thanks


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Like O_G, my first instinct would be to try another (better) program:

Also, if possible, try a fresh download of the file.
Think before I did anything drastic I would firstly try running the file as "Administrator". Then perhaps temporarily switching off any Anti Virus or firewall programmes ( particularly third party installs.) Your operating system and browser of choice would help narrow down your options.
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I'm not sure it's worth paying for something like that, ian
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Error 5 Running Command

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