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Storage And Sharing

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allenlondon | 18:28 Sun 14th Jun 2020 | Technology
13 Answers
Dropbox, up to 5Gb, is great - easy uploads, easy to get a link for sharing.

iCloud has its huge 50Gb free store, but lousy linkage.

Is there any alternative which doesn’t demand silly money and does let you link files to others?




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Although I'm no great fan of PC World, their own cloud storage keeps coming out top in the review ratings of many technical magazines and websites. It costs £20 per year for 200 GB (with options for even more storage available too):
Degoo is often well-reviewed too. You get 100 GB free, with up to 500 GB extra without charge if you can find enough people to recommend the service to:
Question Author
Thanks Chris. I’ll investigate those, but at first glance they certainly look the business.


Try Gmail. 15 GB free. G-Drive is their cloud. The whole system & the apps are very stable & simple to use. My favourite factor is ... no ads. Look at the *** on Hotmail & Yahoo. In your face every day.
A no-brainer really.
Some sort of glitch cut part of my post.

I've used it (G-Drive) for years to post Xwords & still have loads of space.
Had Dropbox before that & it was a major pain - very unreliable. Even I couldn't access some of my files. Maybe they have fixed things since then but who cares.

do you have to pay for Dropbox...
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Yes and no. I think 5gb is free, and then they try and get quite large monthly sums for larger Gb usage. I’ve only ever used the free Dropbox.
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And the other aspect of Dropbox is their ‘sharing’ facility. For example, if you have a pic (or a folder of pics) that you want to share with friends or family, you can easily get a web address -
which you can send to the world.
You can’t do that on iCloud (not sure about GMail’s sharing.

(PS when you click that link, Dropbox might try and wangle you into signing in/up. Don’t. Just keep saying ‘No’ till you see the line saying ‘continue to website’ and click that!)
On G-Drive you simply right-click a file or folder.
From the menu you can get a shareable link to post or send.
Another option is to add people's email addresses if you want to collaborate on a document.
A nice feature is a built-in office program for those who don't have one.
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Thanks AZ, I’ll look into that.

OneDrive is ample for my requirements
You're welcome, Allen.

I'll have to check out OneDrive. Have always been wary of Billy's offerings but these days they all have your info.
Good to diversify the eggs & the baskets.
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AZardoz: been playing with G-drive, and can't find anything wrong with it! 15Gb helps, and the sharing business is easy.

In fact the whole thing is easier than Dropbox, which is very fiddly and fussy.

So many thanks. (I've ignored OneDrive for now, as this Gdrive seems more than good enough!)


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